6 Ways to Treat Smelly Sneakers



Sneakers are the most comfortable shoes that you can wear anytime. There is a wide range of sneakers in the market to fit different types of occasions and activities. Frequent use of these shoes can cause you to have smelly feet and sneakers if you do not know how to care for them properly. Poor hygiene and sweaty glands is also a contributor to smelly sneakers. Use less absorbing inner soles during hot seasons, while more absorbing inner soles during the cold season. Below are six ways to treat smelly sneakers.


1. Rotate the sneakers you wear


It is important to change your sneakers now and then to ensure proper aeration takes place in the shoes. Therefore, at least two pairs of sneakers are advisable to prevent wearing one sneaker at all times. The wear and tear of the sneaker will also reduce a great deal. Thus, making the sneaker more durable for use. However, with the current economic status, it is not easy to afford two pairs of sneakers. Thereby, during the sneaker releases, you can get another pair to have one you can rotate with, especially if it is for activities like running. The use of cedar shoe tree type can be a great option as one of your pairs, as it enhances good air circulation and absorbs moisture well.

2. Maintain a sneaker care routine

In this case, wash your shoes regularly with clean water and soap. This is important to prevent grime and dirt from sticking in your shoes. If you are not in a position to wash your sneakers due to your busy schedule, use an antibacterial wipe to clean the innersoles of the sneakers. However, this will not clear all the dirt and grime but will reduce bacterial hold up in the shoes. Let this not be common practice because dirt and grime can stink when broken down, just as sweat can. Alternatively, the use of a homemade spray can be an option to clean your shoes. As soon as you remove the shoes, spray the homemade spray inside the shoes. In this way, it will clear the bacteria before it takes hold. Importantly, the antibacterial wipes and the homemade spray should not be a regular way to clean your sneakers.


3. Take advantage of sunlight rays 


The use of sunlight rays is one of the best ways to reduce the smell. However, the sun will not eliminate the stinking smell, but will at least reduce the smell naturally and free. However, this is not a long term solution if your sneakers are already smelling. One can resolve smelly sneakers’ problems through a thorough washing of the shoes with clean water and soap. Afterward, sun drying the shoes under direct sunlight rays for sufficient time to ensure the innersoles of the shoes are drying up properly. Avoid putting on wet sneakers if they are not dry up completely, leave them for another few more days for the sun rays to penetrate the shoes properly.


4. Use homemade spray.

The use of the homemade spray is a good option to help get rid of smelly shoes. Subsequently, in the markets, you will find different varieties of foot and shoe sprays. The biggest problem with this type of sprays is the products that are present in making them. Some of these products have chemicals that can irritate your foot skin, and others can stain your inner sole cloth. As a result, the homemade spray is the best option because it is cheaper and far more natural due to the products present in it. One can use different ingredients depending on the preference of the smell. Also, you can use water mixed with white vinegar, tea tree oil, or citrus oil. Usually, it is advised you make two homemade sprays using different ingredients to see what best works for you and your sneakers.


5. Put the sneakers in a washer

Through this method, it offers a long term solution to any smelly sneakers because the washer will clean all dirt and grime. It is important to note that not all brands of sneakers are washable in a cloth washer. Therefore, it is important to check the tag that comes with the sneaker on the type of washer that one can use. A gentle cycle with enough soap and water is what is advisable to those who rely on washers. One can add a nice smelling fabric softener that will help in reducing the stinking smell of the sneakers. However, for already smelly sneakers it is advisable not to dry them up in the dryer but out in the open sun where there is proper air circulation. This will help eliminate all the bacteria hold up in the sneaker. Ensure to open the sneaker tongue as wide as possible for maximum direct sunlight rays to the innersole of the sneaker.


6. Wash the innersoles. 

Above all, the major reason why sneakers smell is a lack of washing the innersoles thoroughly and properly. The hold up of grime and dirt on the inner sole is what makes the shoe smell continually regardless of improvising with the above solutions. However, some inner soles are machine washable, and others are hand washable. This depends on the type of sneaker that you have. It is important to use enough clean water and good soap when washing the inner soles. Rinsing is also an important step. Thereby, use enough water to remove any soap strains that are left behind to ensure your innersoles get a good rinse.


To summarize, regular washing of your sneakers should be a day to day cleaning routine to prevent them from smelling. If you are not able to clean them regularly, the above methods can come in handy in helping you prevent having smelly sneakers. Otherwise, if you don’t take care of your sneakers, one day, they might embarrass you in public due to their odor. Therefore, try the above ways to care for your smelly sneakers.