5 Ways To Cope With Anxiety And Live Well


It’s normal to worry about a lot of things. It can be related to your job, household responsibilities, children, health, daily expenses, and other day-to-day events you often handle. But sometimes, worrying about unnecessary things can also bring adverse effects to your health, behavior, and overall lifestyle. You may start having sleepless nights due to overthinking or create irrational fears which can disrupt your daily life.

As your worries intensify, it’ll be harder for you to control your thoughts and emotions. You may start overreacting to situations, or you may start giving up quickly as a way of getting rid of the worry. Some cannot even carry out a simple activity due to severe anxiety resulting in physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. Fortunately, there are far healthier ways to cope with anxiety without having to give up situations or compromise your opportunities to do better.

Dealing with anxiety is already known to be challenging, but that doesn’t mean it’s not manageable. Here are five effective ways to help you cope with anxiety and live a well and positive life.

Change Your Situation

Reflect on what makes you worry and anxious the most. Is it the nature of your job or the people you work with? One of the prime causes of anxiety is your work environment, especially if you’re working in a stressful and highly demanding type of job. Some of these may include working in hospitals, schools, corporate offices, factories, and other similar jobs which can be physically and emotionally demanding.

Keep in mind that anxiety can impair your work performance. Thus, it’s essential that your job matches not only your skills but your physical, mental, and emotional capabilities as well. If you believe your job is the leading cause of your worries, don’t hesitate to change your situation and go for low stress jobs for people with anxiety. It can be a writing position, a florist, or a pet care provider. The important thing is you’re working without compromising your own welfare.

Take Some Time-Out

Even if you are in a low-stress job, you must take some time out every once in a while. Stepping back from certain situations and problems can help clear your head, recollect your thoughts, and manage anxiety. Some things you can do as you take your time out may include:

  • Listening to your favorite playlist
  • Getting a massage
  • Doing deep breathing exercises
  • Soaking in a hot tub
  • Taking a walk
  • Getting enough hours of sleep
  • Meditating

Get Some Exercise

It’s a no-brainer that exercise brings numerous physical benefits. But besides that, exercise can also help you cope with anxiety and control stress levels. As you perform physical activities, your body releases feel-good hormones, called endorphins, which help in relieving tension, manage stress, and cope anxiety. You can sign yourself up for gym sessions or you can start doing at-home workouts.

If you don’t have time to commit to gym sessions or longer home workouts, you can do even the lightest forms of exercise like walking around the park, taking your dog out, or choosing to climb the stairs instead of the elevator. Be consistent with your physical activities and ensure to complete them four times every week or more.

Eat Healthier Meals

Whatever you consume can influence your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Your food intake may not directly affect or worsen your anxiety, but it can impact your mood. Keep in mind that your mood is linked to your anxiety. If you’re constantly in an irritable mood or become easily frustrated over little things, it can worsen your anxiety.

As much as possible, minimize your food intake on sugary snacks and other processed foods filled with artificial chemicals and flavorings. Too much sugar consumption can lead to unstable blood sugar levels which may influence your mood, emotions, feelings, and fatigue. Aside from that, it’s also essential that you never skip any meal. Keep your meals in check and ensure each meal is packed with energy-boosting foods and nutritious dishes.

Get Involved

It’s common for some people who suffer from anxiety to automatically detach themselves from friends or family. However, the more you pull away from other people, the more it could worsen your anxiety as you start feeling disconnected and isolated. Anxiety can make you believe that you’re alone and no one will ever understand or relate to what you’re going through. But that’s not true.

When you start feeling anxious, don’t hesitate to approach your trusted person and open up your feelings about them. It can be your relative, best friend, sister/brother, parents, or anxiety doctor. Additionally, you can also sign yourself up for events or community gatherings created for people with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Participating in groups that share the same experience as yours can give you a sense of belongingness. Plus, it will also be easier for you to open up about your challenges since you are with people who can understand the situation.

Wrapping Up

When you’re trying to cope with anxiety, remember that you’re never alone in this journey. So, try out any of these tips above and see which ones are effective and suitable for your lifestyle. Moreover, you can always call for a professional to help you cope and live a better and fuller life.