5 Types of Diagnostic Accessories Every Center Must Have Updated


Diagnosis is the most important step for s successful treatment in any medical center. It can be carried out by physically examining a patient or by relying on their medical history. Proper diagnosis may require both and more medical procedures for a clear understanding of the ailment. Most diseases have similar signs and symptoms sometimes making the diagnosis process very complicated. This may call for comparing and contrasting results from different diagnosis, a process called differential diagnosis. It is important for a medical center to keep these accessories up to date in order to be able to perform the right diagnosis to the patients.


Diagnostic accessories that must always be up to date


According to the Food and Drug Administration Agency, a medical accessory is defined as a device, finished but separate, that supports, supplements, or augments the performance of another parent device. One of the diagnostic accessories that must always be updated in a medical center is the stethoscope. A stethoscope is used to listen to the sound of the heart and lungs as well as the blood flow. It is used together with sphygmomanometer to measure the blood pressure. A stethoscope is helpful in the diagnosis of pneumonia, heart disease, and bronchitis among others.


The second accessory that should be well taken care of is the Sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure is a key determinant in the diagnosis of various diseases. A sphygmomanometer exists in various forms of manual, mercury and aneroid. They aid in determining blood pressure to help in the diagnosis of diseases such as hypotension and diabetes.


The third diagnostic accessory is the thermometer. All medical levels from physical to emergencies require the use of a thermometer. The electronic thermometer is recently commonly used and is fast in reading the patients temperature from the mouth, rectum and the ear. A faulty thermometer can easily lead to a misdiagnosis hence the need to keep it checked and updated.


The fourth diagnostic accessory is the Ophthalmoscope. This helps the medic to see into the fundus of a patient’s eye. The accessory that is mainly used for outpatient examinations can be helpful in the diagnosis of Glaucoma, bacterial infections, and detached retinas. There exist two types of ophthalmoscopes, direct and indirect. The direct ones give a 15 times magnification of an upright eye image while the indirect ones give a 2 to 5 times magnification of an inverted eye image.


Lastly, Otoscope is another medical accessory that should be well maintained and constantly changed. This is an accessory that helps the medics view the tympanic membrane through the ear canal by use of the magnifying lens. This helps in the diagnosis of ear infections, Meniere’s disease, and tinnitus. The otoscope requires a new disposable speculum for each patient hence the need to be updated to avoid improper diagnosis.


Sources of medical accessories


Before working on keeping diagnostic accessories up to date, they should be initially sourced from legit sources. As stipulated in the uses above, these accessories are important and key in the process of patient care. The medical centers should, therefore, be keen on what and where they buy them to provide the health services while minimizing cost in the long run.


One of the medical accessory providers is the Bell Medical Services, Bellmed.com. This family company was established in 1972 with the aim of providing professional and personalized services at competitive prices. It has been offering the provision of medical supplies for a period of 45 years. The company is constantly changing in order to meet the requirements of the medical industry. Their services are based on the values of integrity, honesty, and excellence.