5 Tips For Becoming A Better Photographer


If you always your camera on “auto” because you don’t understand the different technical settings, or if you’ve been recently gifted with a professional camera, then read on.

When it comes to a skill like photography, no matter what your skill level is, there’s always room for improvement, and practice does make your photography skills better.

This article will discuss the top 5 skills that will help you become a better photographer.

Know Your Camera

Even before you start taking pictures, it’s essential first to know your gear thoroughly. Start by learning about the different settings in your camera and what they do. Read the manual carefully to understand how to make adjustments and utilize the camera settings for good photography.

If you’re unaware of basic settings like the exposure triangle or the aperture, it would be ideal for learning about it. There are several resources to learn from that are available on the internet. One of the easiest ways to learn about photography tips and tricks is to search for some popular photography hashtags.

Here’s a list of some popular photography hashtags for 2021. You may use this list to get some fantastic tips on photography.

To ensure that you’re learning about your gear, don’t just stack up your manual after unboxing. Go through it every three months for the first year of your photography to get an idea about how you’re progressing. You’ll be surprised to come across solutions for problematic areas in your camera manual.

Utilize The Golden Hour

Most photographers swear by the golden hour and claim some of their best pictures have either been taken at dawn or just before sunset. The key to using the golden hour is getting the right light. The natural light at this time gives off a soft glow, creating a magical effect on the landscapes and objects being photographed.

While shooting during the golden hours may be ideal, it’s not always possible. Therefore, it’s essential to learn about photography lighting techniques to improve your photographs, especially if you’re a beginner.

Look At Storytelling

For an image to be interesting, it should engage the viewer and capture their interest in the story the picture tells. Learn to shoot aesthetically pleasing photos that engage the viewer and tell a story.

Since a picture is about a moment you’d want to remember, experiment with different landscapes and expressions and take photos not just for social media but something that tells a story.

Experiment With New Techniques

Many photographers use various techniques like blurring the background or the foreground to create a specific effect to make their photographs stand out. Experimenting with new photography techniques like bokeh or depth of field helps photographers create depth and focus in an image, making the picture look aesthetically pleasing.

Look At The Work Of Other Photographers

If you’re a beginner, consider looking at the works of several artists with different photography styles. Studying other photographers’ work will give an insight into their techniques, ways of storytelling, and aesthetic sensibilities. There’s always something that you can learn from each artist you choose to research on.


Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or a beginner just starting with photography, there are always things you can do to become a better photographer. For beginners, starting with something as simple as learning about the camera settings or reading the manual can be a big step to improve your photography.

For those who are seasoned photographers, experimenting with new techniques or studying other artists’ photography styles can help them keep up their photography skills.

Like with every skill, to become a better photographer, there’s nothing more important than constant practice.