5 Steps to Slowly Stop Drinking


People start drinking for several reasons, and when they want to quit, each person has to choose a way that suits them. You may have tried several methods to no avail while another person did not put in much effort, but they were able to stop. If you want to curb the vice gradually, the following are the top five steps to help you.

1) Seek Help

Those close to you understand you better and can give you a listening ear if you allow them. You can find a close friend or family friend to confide in on your desire to quit alcohol. You can still speak to a therapist, doctor, or counselor for a more professionalized approach.

You can find online courses that can help you stop drinking and take control of your life. You will learn from the system how quitting alcohol benefits you in several ways. You can save the money used for drinking; you will salvage your relationship, and most importantly, recover your health.

You can take up the course at any time and learn from the comfort of your home. Speaking to a therapist can help you retrace your steps and start living a meaningful life. The benefit of seeking a professional is that you deal with the root issue that causes you to drink, which helps you become sober when solved.

2) Become Determined

Habits take time to form, and the same way you trained yourself to take alcohol is the same way you can stop. It would help if you had the determination that will push you to choose the right habits. You can start by putting off alcoholic drinks in your house. When they are near you, it is easy to grab a bottle.

If your friends make your drinking worse, you may have to let them go by saying no to requests of attending binge-drinking parties. If need be, cut ties entirely if they make you go back to your old ways.

3) Develop A Plan

Change does not come easy, and as such, you need to have a plan. Setting goals is key to helping you overcome a drinking problem. You can start writing how many times in a week you will be drinking or decide you will abstain from it.

Have a timeline instead of wishing that anytime you will quit. Timed goals are easier to achieve than those without a time limit are.

4) Have A Way Of Dealing With Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol cravings will occur after you choose to be sober, and you do not have to give in to them. When lapses happen during the recovery period, do not be hard on yourself and think that you are losing the battle. Deal with a relapse immediately, even if it means seeking medical attention to avoid going back to the drawing board.

5) Have A Reason For Quitting

Among the reasons that lead many to drink include low self-esteem, relationship, and financial issues. You need to start valuing your life and be optimistic that everything will turn out fine. You need to make some healthy lifestyle habits that will help you achieve your goals.

Start envisioning what you will become five or ten years from now. Your health is vital in allowing you to achieve any dream, and that will motivate you to put a stop to drinking.