4 Questions To Ask If You Want Kids

Deciding whether or not to have children requires deep deliberation and reflection. There are several questions to keep in mind in order to ensure that you and your partner are ready, financially, and personally, for children. Even more importantly, it is crucial to address these questions for the wellbeing of your future child. These topics can be overwhelming to think about without support so you can find women’s clinics in Illinois, for example, to support you with parenting resources amongst other services. In the meantime, these are some important points to guide your decision-making process.

1. Are You Financially Stable?

Financial stability is a crucial condition if you are thinking about having children. School expenses, clothing, college, sports, and more all start to add up over the years. You will want to ensure you are financially comfortable to provide for your child’s basic needs and wellbeing in both the short and long run. In your partnership, do you have a steady, reliable source of income? Do you have sufficient income in case any unexpected emergencies or medical issues come up?

2. How Is Your Relationship With Your Partner?

While it is absolutely doable to raise your child on your own, if you plan on staying in a long-term partnership while raising your child, it should be healthy and secure. Do you share similar parenting values and styles? And can you support each other in times of stress and unexpected circumstances? Raising kids will heavily involve shaping their behavior and personalities so that they themselves become responsible adults. Having a conversation around how you want to embark on this journey with your partner early on can shape this decision profoundly.

3. Do You Have Space For Children?

It may not be at the top of your list but having the physical space to accommodate an additional human being in your life matters deeply. Do you have space for your child to crawl, play, and eventually grow up? If you have a smaller home, bringing a child into your lives is still possible but may come with challenges as time passes. Children come with toys, school projects, sports equipment, and so much more. Living in a cramped, stuffy environment may put a strain on your family life so finding a suitable home where even you can have space for your needs is important.

4. What Kind Of Career Do You Have?

Raising kids involves an extraordinary amount of time and effort for the rest of your life. If you are on a career path that is very demanding, you will need to ask yourself if you can balance it with children. If you work long hours, will you be able to adapt to care for your child? Does your community offer resources and programs that can help with this process? On the other hand, your employer or profession may be flexible and even supportive of your parenting life. Some employers, for instance, offer paternal and maternal leave as well as daycare facilities.

Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding experiences life has to offer. Keeping these questions in mind, you will be ready for the journey when the time comes.