3 Super Easy Steps to get in Shape

Happy beautiful Saturday!

Summer is in full swing, and it looks like it will stick around a while.

So let me ask you…

Are you in the shape you want to be in?

If not, it’s all good, there is still time!

Follow these 3 steps to get your body where you want it to be!

Step 1: Eat more protein

Yes eat more protein! Protein is the highest thermogenesis of any food group out there. It will help you drop weight and also feed your muscle. Eat protein in every meal and you will see a major difference. Things like fish, meat, eggs or even incomplete proteins like nuts or seeds.

Step 2: Do push-ups

If you can’t make it to the gym there really is no excuse to move. Simply make a goal every day to get on your knees and do even 5 push-ups a day to start. Then build up from there! I am telling you when you do this you will feel like you did a 20 minute strength workout since you work your arms, back, chest and entire upper body!

Step 3: Start drinking more water

drink water

The fastest way to drop some pounds! Up your water intake to drink 1/2 your body in oz per day. Wow this makes such a difference it’s amazing….