3 Food Facts You Need to Know


There are hundreds or more food facts that you should know concerning the food you take. You might get interested in the food packages and its composition, but the chances of getting its facts are rare. While some facts are common and expected, some may change your perception of certain types of foods. Regardless of the above, they will remain foods which are taken by many individuals. So what are the facts? In this article, we will discuss three of the facts you should know.

Fruits and Vegetables are No Longer Nutritious Than in Ancient Times

Yes, it’s true. Most fruits and vegetables we take nowadays do not have the right composition of nutrients as they are supposed to be. You might be eating an apple a day as recommended, but it’s not giving you the required benefits. Why is it so? The reason, according to Healthy Land, is that our modern agricultural methods and practices have led to the production of less nutritious fruits and vegetables. The amount of nutrients you can get from an orange now is less as compared as it was half a century ago. To get most of the nutrients from the same fruit or vegetables, you need to eat two of the required quantities to get the recommended nutrient. It’s now fair to say ‘two apples a day keeps the doctor away.’

Prepackaged Greens and Salads aren’t That Clean

To most people, anything packed is processed, and it’s ready for eating or cooking. Well, that’s not the case with prepackaged salads and vegetables. Some might not be as clean as you think. According to consumer reports on the samples tested, approximately 39% percent of packed salads and vegetables tasted of bacteria, which meant they were contaminated. Studies also reveal that some leafy vegetables always leave traces of bacteria on their nooks and crannies after washing despite washing. So what does this mean? Regardless of how they are packaged or washed, it would help if you rewashed all greens and salads to avoid contamination, especially if taken raw. It can be overwhelming, but your safety and health come first.

Bad Breath? Try Chewing Coffee Beans

Of course, you have chewed garlic or any other food leaving you with a bad breath which no one can withstand. Other than washing your mouth, most people chew gums or strong mints to remedy a stinking mouth. Well, it might be working, but there is an easy way: chewing coffee beans. Chewing coffee beans overrides the smell caused by food or garlic in your mouth, helping you eliminate the bad breath. If you don’t have roasted coffee beans nearby, you can try mint leaves or parsley, readily available. You can also drink your favorite glass of coffee that will help inhibit bacteria that causes mouth odor. Besides making you clean your mouth, coffee will offer you other benefits, including getting helpful antioxidants, boosting memory, curbing cancer growth, and improving your heart condition.

The above are the three facts you need to know concerning food. Although the list is endless, it’s meant to make you understand that every food item has its fact that you must be aware of. Some facts are on the positive side, while others give the negatives of food in question.