13 Myths About Criminal Defense Lawyers




To uphold the bedrock principle of the profession of lawyers is certainly a job that carries an abundance of value. But this doesn’t come without widespread misconceptions, especially regarding criminal defense lawyers.

If you’re a resident of Knoxville, make sure you go through top criminal defense lawyers to find none but the best. These lawyers carry the salient responsibility of safeguarding the rights of criminal defendants and dutifully promoting effective justice while they’re at it.  However, if you are from Arizona, please do see a great Mesa Criminal Attorney. And certain myths need to be debunked for criminal defense attorneys. 13 myths that need the most attention at debunking include the following.

Myth 1: Only the lawyers who charge a fortune know their job.

While it’s true that some of the fanciest lawyers had the expertise and diligence to reach this level, it’s not always true. So often, these big-budget lawyers who cost a fortune can also cost the clients their case and have no clue what they’re doing.

Myth 2: Why pay a criminal defense attorney so much when a public defender can do the same job for free?

Good one, but unluckily that’s not the smartest way to go about it. The truth is that because the public defenders are free, they’re also not free enough to ensure a client’s success.

Myth 3: Criminal defense lawyers only see their clients in court.

This is 100% a myth that needs to be destroyed because to represent a client in court, the lawyer has to prepare for it outside it to discuss the case, do his legal research, and do other preparations.

Myth 4: Free legal consultation would be enough.

Before one sets out in certainty that they’ll receive a free consultation, they must confirm the lawyer’s office first. Lawyers do not always discuss your cases without getting paid.

Myth 5: Why hire a defense lawyer if you’re going to plead guilty?

You cannot go in to even plead guilty without the service of a defense lawyer as you need a lawyer to discuss all your options,

Myth 6: Just a qualified lawyer would do.

While, of course, qualification is the basic requirement, you must do your research regarding experience, resources, and successes, for instance, look for top criminal defense lawyers in Knoxville TN.

Myth 7:A skilled lawyer is all you need.

Even skilled lawyers need to abide fully by the law.

Myth 8:Any lawyer can fight a criminal case.

Yes, but defense attorneys know the ins and outs of such cases.

Myth 9: Criminal lawyers are usually corrupt.

This is merely a perception made by people who may have had an encounter with a money-hungry lawyer.

Myth 10: These attorneys lead the fanciest lives.

Lawyers do earn a lot, but they have made a great personal investment in achieving the experience and reputation in this profession and thus expect some return. But an expensive lawyer who can keep you out of prison is better than a cheap one who cannot.

Myth11: Hiring an experienced attorney shows you are guilty.

That’s most certainly a false insight. Experienced attorneys are hired considering their weightage of winning cases only.

Myth 12: They are biased regarding your innocence.

This is not true. They need to do their job and be fair about it

Myth 13: Criminal defense attorneys are liars.

This is not the way ethical lawyers work. Certain case-winning tactics may appear shady; however, they are most certainly legal and in practice.

It’s significant to note that believing these myths to be true can adversely affect your life; therefore, it’s important to ensure that proper research regarding the lawyer, budgets, and experience must be done before an attorney is hired.