#1. Have a tall glass with your main meals. Deciding you’ll drink a glass
before meals is less inviting, since drinking water with no food, and without
thirst, isn’t easy. However, eating triggers a need for fluid; a tall glass of
water will go down quickly when it’s consumed with meals.
#2. Place a small covered glass of water by your bed stand before going to
sleep. In the morning before you exit the bed, drink the water.
#3. If you’re at a desk for long periods, keep an icy glass of water with you
and sip periodically.
#4. Get a water purification system. This will improve the taste of tap water,
and encourage you to drink more water since you’ll know that toxins
are filtered out.
#5. Drink homemade lemonade. Squeeze fresh lemons into a glass–filling
about 3-6 ounces. Add 1-2 packets of the natural sweetener Stevia. Mix very
well. Add chilled water. Or add ice and keep this with you while working
at a desk.
#6. Use a straw. Fluid intake goes very rapidly when you drink with a straw.
A tall glass of room-temperature water can be gone in seconds, thereby
eliminating any drudgery of having to take many sips to finish the glass.
#7. Remind yourself that chilled water makes the body expend calories to
warm it to body temperature. Knowing this fact will motivate you to drink
more water.
#8. Fill a pitcher with water every morning and place in the refrigerator.
Make sure that by bedtime, the pitcher is empty.
#9. Create water milestones. For instance, have paper cups handy in the
bathrooms of your house. Every time you finish using the facility, fill the
cup half-way or all the way with water and drink.
At the workplace, if you must pass a drinking fountain on the way to
your department, commit to getting in a few gulps every morning, and
every evening on the way out, even if you’re not thirsty.
#10. Eat watermelon, tomatoes and cucumbers, which are water-rich.
Coffee, soda and juices do not count towards your daily water quota.
In fact, carbonated drinks have a dehydrating effect.
#11. Order water with your restaurant meals.
#12. If you take supplements or prescribed drugs, drink water to swallow
them. Fill a glass with more than what you’ll need. After the last pill goes
down, take the extra gulps.