What to Get Someone for Their 30th B-Day

Bidding goodbye to your 20s is a big deal that calls for serious celebration. Your friends are still young for fun at this age but old enough for some serious partying. You need to realize that a bottle of cheap vodka won’t cut it anymore at that particular age. Their alcohol tolerance is itself going down. Therefore, you have to be creative about the kind of gift you are going to get them. It has to ensemble the young age they are trying to hang to and the old age catching up with them. Here are some of the best gifts to get your friend when they are just hitting the 30th mark.


1. A Watch

Once you get to thirty, you realize that you need to stabilize your life while still having that youthful energy. Time becomes your most precious asset. The smarter you are at utilizing your time, the more successful your effort will be. Bring that concept into the light for your friend who has just turned thirty and get a watch as a present for their birthday. Consider getting them a smartwatch, or better yet, a fitness watch. In a recent piece by Gift Observer about present ideas for someone’s 30th birthday, a fitness tracker ranks top ten. It makes an excellent gift for anyone when they turn 30 because it will help them manage time better as they keep track of their fitness levels.

2. A Photo Collage

By thirty, you have made many memories that bringing them up will make the whole occasion merry. There is nothing that gets to our souls than being reminded of the most memorable moments in our lives. Getting photo collages that remind you all of the youthful journey and experiences you have had will make your friend so happy that they could melt down in tears. You will promise them to make more memories even after you are all old and grey.

The best gift you can ever give anyone is a moment that they will forever remember. Pick pictures of the most fun and touching moments you have had together and get them made into collages. For a bigger impact, you could make a video of the same with some good background music. Use it to express the gratitude you have for having them in your life and show love. That moment will be the best gift they will have received.

3. Birthday Necklace

This will be more effective if your friend is a lady. You may opt for a gold or silver necklace depending on what they like more. You can even have their name written on it. You could also get creative by hanging three pretty rings, with three different sizes symbolizing the ladder of age they are climbing and the success they have had over time. Adding some words to the gift creates a moment for them that they, for sure, won’t forget.

4. Grace Their Wardrobe

Thirty is that age that most of us are craving stability both financially and on family matters. We are trying to work to provide for our families and live our dreams. Every day we want to dress up and face the day as it avails itself. There is no perfect time to get your friend that suit they have been admiring so much. You might have heard them talk about it, but their priorities aren’t in getting clothes due to the responsibilities on their plate. You can help bring fun and joy by gracing their closets with that suit they have so much desired. You can also decide to get them a pair of sneakers or anything that they will put on as they walk out every day to make a living and afford all that they wish they could. Make sure it’s the color and design they love. That is what will make all the difference.

5. Get Them a Ticket to Their Favorite Spot

Though we rarely want to accept it, the age of thirty is when we start losing touch with the world of fun and focus on stability. Some might argue that this isn’t true, but we all know that no one in their thirties will have fun like they did when they were in their 20s. Getting your friend a ticket to that particular spot they used to find fun in their 20s can be a great way to usher in the 4th decade of their life. You can help them have fun one more time before the responsibilities that await them start kicking in. Give them a taste of what their youth had to offer. It will keep them holding on to the fun part of life. It’s the best way anyone can usher in their 4th decade of life.

6. Classy Office Desk

At the age of thirty is when most people are more likely to take extra shifts and even work late hours into the night. This is mainly because it’s that time of their life that they want their second child, maybe build a house or even get a family car. They need to put in a little bit more effort to achieve all that. Save them the hustle of working on their laptops from their bed by getting them a classy and comfy office desk that will motivate them to keep up the hard work. You will be helping them appreciate and accept the responsibilities that are on route. Pick a color that they love or blend in with the theme color of their apartment or home. You will have contributed to their success story in a great way.

Getting to thirty is a big deal. It’s that time of life where one needs to get more focused and serious about their priorities. As they turn thirty, your friend deserves to usher in that stage of life with some style and appreciation. If you are gifting someone for the 30th birthday, you may need to be more thoughtful and considerate. As you take the time to think about a gift that your buddy will definitely love or feel moved by, the above are just a few options worth considering.