Worker injuries can be a stressful situation for both the injured party and the company they work for. However, when pregnancy is thrown into the mix, it can make things a bit more complicating. Today, we’re going to take a look at what you should do following an injury at work if you’re currently pregnant.
If you are injured at work while pregnant, the first thing you should do is alert your coworkers and/or supervisor. You want to let someone know that you’re injured so they can assist you in seeking medical treatment if necessary. Once you’ve been treated for your injury, it’s important that you notify your superior. In most states, there is a statute of limitations that requires you to notify your direct supervisor within a designated time frame. Not meeting this time frame could mean giving up any legal rights to injury claims.
It’s also common to have questions about privacy when it comes to your medical treatment, especially during a workers’ compensation case. For example, Can My Employer Talk with My Doctor? What medical information can my employer access? or can my employer influence my doctor’s recommendations? Understanding how much information your employer is entitled to and what your rights are can help you feel more secure as you proceed with your claim. Taking the time to research these issues or consulting with a professional can make a big difference in ensuring your privacy and rights are respected. It’s always better to understand these matters early rather than face complications later in the process.
As an employee, you have many benefits under workers’ compensation that your employer must carry. These include:
- Temporary Disability For Lost Wages
- Permanent Disability For Lost Wages
- Medical Treatment For The Work-Related Injury
- Death Benefits For Your Dependents In A Fatal Work-Related Injury
Federal laws mandate that employees cannot be discriminated against based on pregnancy. The Pregnancy Disability Act works hand in hand with the workers’ compensation that your employer has. Your employer cannot deny or reduce your workers’ compensation benefits solely on the basis of you being pregnant as long as you would otherwise be entitled to the benefits if you weren’t pregnant.
You should file out a workers’ compensation claim form immediately following your injury. Most states mandate that these forms be available at your employer, doctor’s offices, and hospital emergency rooms. It’s important to realize that your employer has no legal obligation to provide you with workers’ compensation benefits until you complete one of these forms. So, the sooner you complete the form the better. Make sure that you sign and date the claim form and keep a copy for your own personal records.
Getting injured on the job is no fun experience. It can mean weeks of medical treatment and lost wages for you. This can get really complicated if you’re pregnant at the time your injury occurs. To ensure that you’re eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you should be following all the steps above to a tee. Make sure that you don’t forget to file your claim or let your employer know what’s going on as quickly as possible after the accident.