What Should You Do if You Were Around Toxic Water?

Water is an important resource for everyone. Yet, at some point or the other, you may come in contact with water that’s unsafe to drink or use. This could be due to natural disasters such as floods or landslides, man-made catastrophes like industrial leaks, or contamination from animal carcasses and human waste. Here are some things that you should do if you think you’ve been exposed to toxic water.

Disinfect Everything

After coming in contact with contaminated water, you may ingest the contaminants or be exposed to them through the skin. To avoid additional exposure, you should change your clothes and wash them with soap. You should also wash your skin and hair. Similarly, you can disinfect your cellphone, keys, and any other items that may have come in contact with contaminated water. Wear gloves while cleaning your living space and keep your hands away from your face until you know that they’re clean.

Check for Symptoms

If you’ve consumed water that’s contaminated with pathogenic organisms, you may experience certain symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to take them seriously and seek immediate medical attention. It’s also a good idea to inform your doctor about the water you’ve been exposed to. Your doctor can analyze your risk of contracting a waterborne illness based on your symptoms, the toxins in the water, and other factors. He or she can also administer vaccines and antibiotics to prevent further complications.

Test the Water

You may already be aware of some of the toxins that were present in your water supply, but there’s always the chance that other elements were overlooked. As soon as you realize that you’ve been exposed to water that is unsafe to drink, collect a sample of the water and send it to a laboratory for testing. This approach will help you determine exactly what the water contains. The results could help your doctor decide on the best treatment for you, as well as help you make a legal case if you decide to take that route.

Take Legal Action

If you’ve consumed contaminated water due to negligence or deliberate recklessness on the part of others, you could take legal action against the responsible parties. Even if you were exposed to toxic water a while ago, there are bills being passed that may help you get compensated if you’ve been adversely affected. For instance, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act may help you recover damages if you were exposed to toxic water near this military base in the past. There are plenty of Camp Lejeune resources that you can find online if you want to know whether or not you qualify.

When you’re exposed to toxic water, it’s important to keep calm so that you can make the best plan to deal with the situation. It’s also important to remember that most waterborne illnesses are curable. You just have to follow some basic hygiene practices and get treated for the illness soon enough.