What Are Ways to Fix a Cold?

There are many different cold remedies and these remedies are so common that they are almost as common as the cold itself, but not all of them are going to be effective. There are some remedies that can help ease your symptoms and keep you from feeling down and help you learn how to fix a cold.

Stay Hydrated

Clear broth, water, low-sugar or no added sugar juice, and warm water with lemon and honey can help prevent dehydration and loosen your congestion. It also helps to avoid beverages that will make dehydration worse, such as caffeinated sodas, coffee, and alcohol.

Get Some Rest

Now is the time to get as much rest as you can. Your body needs rest in order to heal. You may not need to force yourself to be bed-bound but you should limit physical activity.

Ease a Sore Throat

In order to help calm your sore throat, a saltwater gargle with up to half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in an eight-ounce glass of water can provide relief temporarily from a scratchy or sore throat. Children that are younger than six won’t be able to gargle properly so this method will likely not work for them. Instead of a gargle, you can also try sore throat sprays, lozenges, hard candy, or ice chips. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t give children younger than six any hard candy as this can be a choking hazard. 

Get Rid of Stuffiness

Over-the-counter saline sprays and nasal drops can relieve congestion and stuffiness. For babies, you should try putting many saline drops into one of the nostrils and then gently suction using a bulb syringe. Sprays are okay for older children but it’s recommended to consult with a doctor. 

Sip Warm Liquids

Drinks such as tea, or chicken soup, can be calming and can help with congestion by helping the flow of mucus. Avoid drinking anything that’s got a lot of added sugar because it can actually cause inflammation and make you feel worse. 

Add Some Moisture to Your Air 

A humidifier or cold mist vaporizer helps add moisture to the home to loosen congestion. When using a humidifier, you don’t want to create more problems with mold so be sure to clean the unit following the instructions and change the water daily.

There are some things that help you when you learn how to fix a cold. Antibiotics won’t work on a cold. Antibiotics are designed to attack bacteria and they aren’t going to help against cold viruses. You don’t want to use any antibiotics you have on hand or go to your doctor and ask for antibiotics. This won’t help you get better any quicker and this can also contribute to growing problems of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Another thing that won’t fix a cold in young children is over-the-counter cough and cold medication, as this may have some serious side effects that outweigh the benefits.