Use Food to Reset Metabolism, Boost Brainpower & Transform Your Life

#1-ranked The Model Health Show host Shawn Stevenson’s (as seen on TODAY, Dr. Oz, Forbes, ESPN, Inc. and more) forthcoming Eat Smarter: Use the Power of Food to Reboot Your Metabolism, Upgrade Your Brain, and Transform Your Life (Little, Brown Spark; Dec. 29, 2020) demystifies how to lose weight, boost your metabolism, and start living a happier life with a transformative 30-day plan for healthy eating.

We’re unhealthier than ever in lockdown, and food can make or break us.

It’s a key controller of our state of health or disease. It’s a social centerpiece for the most important moments of our lives. It’s the building block that creates our brain, enabling us to have thought, feeling, and emotion. It’s the very stuff that makes up our bodies and what we see looking back at us in the mirror. Food isn’t just-food. It’s what makes us who we are.

So why does figuring out what to eat feel so overwhelming?

In Eat Smarternutritionist, bestselling author, and #1-ranked podcast host Shawn Stevenson breaks down the science of food with a 30-day program to help you lose weight, reboot your metabolism and hormones, and improve your brain function.

Most importantly, he explains how changing what you eat can transform your life by affecting your ability to make money, sleep better, maintain relationships, and be happier.

Eat Smarter will empower you and make you feel inspired about your food choices, not just because of the impact they have on your weight, but because the right foods can help make you the best version of yourself.

Shawn unpacks:

  • Food & Metabolism
  • Why is body fat not really the culprit it’s been made out to be?
  • How has the misconstrued science of calories contributed to growing diet struggles?
  • How does the process of fat loss actually work?
  • The 3 things that are clinically proven to suppress fat loss no matter how hard you diet or
  • exercise
  • The surprising way that our gut bacteria controls our body weight
  • Specific foods that can positively alter our microbiome and positively
  • influence fat loss
  • The major misconceptions about macronutrients
  • The 3 things people can do RIGHT NOW to upgrade their metabolism

Food & Cognitive Performance 

  • Why the average human brain is extremely undernourished and the science on why our brains ravenously consume energy
  • The brain’s internal and external security systems
  • What our brains are actually made of
  • The foods and nutrients that are clinically proven to have a direct impact on memory and focus
  • What’s behind the skyrocketing rates of brain inflammation and how it’s affecting our health

Food & Relationships

  • The surprising research on how nutrition affects our relationships and emotional intelligence
  • How our relationships deeply impact the food we eat and how our social structures determine our food choices
  • The latest information on the epidemic of food and health disparity in our world today. and some things we can do to fix it
  • How food is used to express love

Food & Sleep Wellness

  • How our sleep quality is largely controlled by what’s happening in our gut
  • Some everyday things people consume that directly damage their sleep quality
  • Which nutrients are critical in building our sleep-related hormones and neurotransmitters
  • Which foods are clinically proven to enhance our sleep quality

Food & Psychology

  • Why food and psychology are so closely connected
  • The 4 major dieting personality types
  • How our belief systems affect our food choices
  • The surprising ways that our perception controls the way food impacts our bodies
  • What mental reflex determines our actions around food
  • What simple strategies we can use to change our relationship with food
  • The Science of Meal Timing
  • How is our modern way of eating causing chaos with our genes?
  • Can shifting our meal timing have any effects on weight loss?
  • What clinically proven benefits can change our meal timing have on our brain health?
  • Surprising science demonstrates that shifting our meal timing can actually extend our lifespan – how does that work?
  • What are the F.A.S.T. body transformation tips?


“If you have been looking for an owner’s manual for your body, if you are looking for how to
make sense of the latest science of nutrition and how to Eat Smarter, look no further than this comprehensive book that provides a clear roadmap for eating well, feeling well, and thriving for life.” –Mark Hyman, MD, Head of Strategy and Innovation: Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine New York Times best selling author of Food Fix

Eat Smarter offers an empowering and relatable compilation of personal stories deftly interwoven with informative science that is sure to awaken young and old to the miraculous health turnabouts available to us if we choose to take responsibility for our health.”–Cate Shanahan, MD, New York Times bestselling author of The Fat Burn Fix


“Shawn has a way of writing that fuels your desire to learn and better understand food and nutrition. Eat Smarter is the perfect balance between science and what to actually do with the science! I feel like I went to college again and took a course with my favorite professor. This book is a game-changer and a must-read! You’ll close this book and feel like the most intelligent person at your next dinner table.” –Shaun T., International Health & Fitness Expert and author of T is for Transformation 

Eat Smarter is a critically important book that shows the connection between food and overall mental, cognitive, and physical health. It is well-researched, easy to read, and will help you be smarter, healthier, and happier.” –-Daniel G. Amen, MD, Founder, Amen Clinics and the author of the national bestseller The End of Mental Illness 

Eat Smarter is an incredible compilation of nutrition information backed by trustworthy science. Shawn’s writing style makes you not want to put the book down and he has helped me take my health and performance to another level. For any person looking to understand food better, to understand how your body interacts with food, and ways to take your health to the next level, this book will overdeliver!” –Nick Ahmed, 2X MLB Gold Glove Winner

“In Eat Smarter, Shawn Stevenson brings his unique blend of authenticity, passion, and command of cutting-edge concepts to show you how to use food to impact your life — from your metabolism to cognitive performance, and even your relationships.”–William W. Li, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Beat Disease, President and Medical Director, the Angiogenesis Foundation


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