The Roaring 20s – 4 Ways Life Has Changed Since the Pandemic




One thing’s for sure: living through a global pandemic has drastically changed life for nearly everyone in one way or another. From the way we work to the way we workout and even evaluate time, the pandemic dictates how we live, whether we realize its full effects or not.

Some of the changes are obvious. Others? Not so much. We’ve all been affected by the pandemic in different ways. Loss and change are a part of daily life these days, but no one can really say they’ve gotten used to it. Below, we explore some of the changes the pandemic has caused and what the future may hold regarding these changes.

1. Telecommuting

From the beginning of the pandemic, companies that could manage it shut their doors in favor of a work-from-home model, using virtual offices and digital communications to conduct business. Not only did this help curb the spread of the virus among office workers, but business owners discovered that it also saved them millions in utilities and other overhead costs involved in a physical office.

This positive byproduct of the pandemic may be the reason many companies are choosing to stay with a work-from-home model now that lockdowns are easing.

2. A Distorted Sense of Time

Before the pandemic, we had social gatherings, work, school, and other events to help ground us. Since the pandemic began and lockdowns became the norm, these events have gone by the wayside, leaving us with a hole in our lives that can lead to a sense of being unfulfilled. In this new milieu, time seems to be passing at a slower rate for many, and it’s easy to forget what day it is in the blur of a mundane pandemic existence.

As the lockdowns ease off and events trickle back in, the flow of time will likely continue to feel a little odd for a while. Some will return to work and school, while others will continue to work from home. It’s these latter individuals who will need to find other ways to differentiate boundaries and evaluate time.

3. How We Work Out

Since the onset of the pandemic, gyms, yoga studios, and other similar facilities were forced to close their doors. As a result, health and fitness enthusiasts unable to work out in a gym began purchasing high-end equipment and creating gyms in their homes.

This was bad news for professional gyms, with some declaring bankruptcy, but it was good news for home gym equipment manufacturers who experienced record-breaking profits. What many home gym users have discovered is that they prefer working out at home, so it’s unlikely that professional gyms will hold the same attraction they once did pre-pandemic. Besides, with the convenience of working out at home, there’s less excuse not to get it done.

4. A Love of Nature

As entertainment venues like movie theaters, bars, and retail stores closed due to the pandemic, people began seeking new ways to get out of the house while still observing social distancing guidelines. What emerged was a renewed love of the outdoors. Parks and other outdoor recreation areas saw an uptick in visitation as we all discovered the calming effects of connecting with nature. Most public outdoor areas continue to experience increased use as the pandemic rages on, and that’s unlikely to dwindle anytime soon.

Without a doubt, the pandemic has brought about changes to the way we live. There are positives and negatives to these changes, and until the pandemic finally ends, it’s anyone’s guess as to the lasting effects.