Take a Break: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Spending Quality Time With Kids


 You want more time with the kids, but don’t know how and where to start? Then discover the entrepreneur’s guide to spending time with kids here.


Many entrepreneurs end up working more than 40 hours a week.

As an entrepreneur, there’s always more work to be done, but the problem is this work can sometimes take away from spending time with your kids. So how do you find the right balance?

We’ve put together this guide to help you learn how to take a break from your work and focus on your children.

So let’s get started!

Create a Daily Schedule 

Creating a daily schedule will help you balance your work life with your family life, especially if you work from home.

Designate certain times of the day as “work time” or “family time.” It’s a good idea to think about your children’s schedules as you’re coming up with your own. For example, if your kids go to school, you might want to work while they’re out of the house so you can spend time with them when they get home.

But it doesn’t really matter what type of schedule you choose. Are you most productive from 10 pm to 12 am? Then save at least some of your work for that time. Just make sure you have a few hours to spend with your kids every day.

But Don’t Make Your Schedule Too Rigid 

While it’s important to have a work schedule, don’t make it too rigid.

Otherwise, you may miss important moments with your children. This is even more important if your children aren’t in school yet or if they’re home for summer vacation.

For example, let’s say you take a break for lunch from 12 to 12:30 every day. One of these days, your four-year-old wants to help you put together your sandwich. Letting your child help make the food can slow the eating process way down, but it can give you some great memories and good quality time.

You’ll also need to stay flexible in case your kids wake up sick one morning. You’ll need to spend extra time taking care of them on those days and less time working.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should totally throw out your schedule either, but allowing yourself to stay flexible can help you get work done and catch a few extra moments with the kids.

Prioritize Your Time With the Kids

When you’re running your own businesses or starting a new one, it’s easy to get caught up in work, and before you know it, the kids are already in bed.

Don’t let your work take time away from your kids.

It’s easy to get distracted with work, but don’t let yourself use that as an excuse. If your schedule says it’s time to stop work and hang out with the kids, do it. You can always come back to important tasks later in the evening if you need to.

And don’t just hang out with them in the house. Take them out on walks, to restaurants, or parks. If you can afford the Zoo Negara price, take your time looking at all the different animals.

Turn off Your Devices

While you’re with your kids, turn off any devices that can pull you back into your work. Getting an email notification every few minutes can distract you from getting quality time with the children.

Turning off these devices will allow you to really focus on your kids and the activities you’re doing.

The Importance of Spending Time With Your Kids as an Entrepreneur 

As an entrepreneur, your work is important, and it needs a lot of attention. But you should never let it get in the way of what’s truly important: spending time with your kids. If you follow the tips on this list, you’ll be able to succeed in your business and spend quality time with your children.

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