Preparing Your Home For The Deep Clean Of 2023


The festive period is coming, and that can be a great deal of fun. After all, that is said and done, and the new year is here, many people use this as an opportunity to deep clean the household. Here you can throw out any of the unused, unwanted items you’ve collected over the last year, get to those hard-to-reach spots, make sure you inspect certain areas of the property (such as the crawlspaces and behind furniture for dampness), and refresh your house anew.

Of course, this is quite an effort, so enlisting help from your family is also wise during this time. It’s also a good idea to consider how to prepare your home appropriately for such an effort because if you’ve taken care of the staging measures, you can clean with more confidence and comfort.

In this post, then, we’ll discuss a few ways to prepare for the great deep clean of 2023, and how you might save a little money and time by doing so:

Cleaning Products & Holders

The cleaning products and holders you use really do matter, as they can have a great effect on your household and how easily you can clean it. Before the festivities of the winter period, you might be able to stock up on them more easily, as many promotions, discounts, and other shopping deals are prominent in this period. This means that the shelf will be stocked for the time you need them, and purchasing a holder you can carry with you from room to room will also make things a little more convenient.

Window Cleaning

A great window cleaning effort can help your home feel renewed again, but it might be good to get that out of the way, for now, so you can enjoy your property during the festivities more when everyone is home, and while you look out the window into a hopeful winter wonderland. Just make sure to remind your children not to throw snowballs at the windows, they won’t mean any harm by it, but the last thing you need is for a clean window to become streaky again. Regardless, this can help you enjoy a little precursor to your cleaning effort; and take pride in your house anew.

Start Organizing Alongside Your Decorations

During the festive period, many people bring out decorations to help the household look gorgeous and inviting. This can be tremendously beautiful and nothing if not worthwhile. That said, all this sorting can be a good way to prepare your categorization for your own items later. Bring some boxes into your storage rooms, some might be marked ‘for sale,’ others ‘for charity’ and others ‘throw out.’ This way, you can better plan for your clearout, and perhaps you can mark out some items ahead of time. This saves you from having to undergo too many trips up and down into your basement or attic.

With this advice, you’re sure to prepare for the deep clean effort of 2023 in the best way. You’ll thank yourself for it later.