From Chelsea’s Facebook page…As some of you are aware, we lost our home in the flood. But we are all safe now.
The wonderful Rye Fire Department rescued us from our second floor via boat and got us out safely Thursday night. Our entire home was underwater.
If we’re not responding, do not worry, it’s just because of poor internet connection and lack of portable chargers.
If you’re local, feel free to stop by we—can use all the hands we can get these next few days! And if you’re not then thoughts & prayers are ALWAYS welcome.
A lot of folks have been asking about donations, which is so tremendously kind, but honestly, the local community has been a blessing in terms of dropping off food, clothing, cleaning supplies, and even doing our laundry (my kids have been referring to these folks as the “Laundry Fairies”
and the big, formal thank you will be going out next week, believe me—I feel like these people are the Chapman clan’s guardian angels)!! And I believe someone set up a GoFundMe page to help with home repairs and paying for basics these next few weeks, but I don’t have the link.(we have no insurance for contents)

And to those of you across the country in similar situations, my heart goes out to you. Maybe we can start a group therapy session after all of this!