Choosing what to watch is hard,
Reelgood makes it easy.
Are You Suffering from Chronic Movie Browsing Dysfunction #CMBD)
This summer, a horrific, loathsome and devastating epidemic has been spreading to living rooms across America. Yes, I’m talking about Chronic Movie Browsing Dysfunction (CMBD) — the extreme inability to swiftly find anything good to watch on Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming platforms.
Consider the sobering statistics:
- The average American spends 19 minutes per day browsing aimlessly for something to watch according to the Rovi Multi-Region Survey — that’s 9.5 hours lost per month, 115 hours lost per year, and 377 days lost in a lifetime to the horrors of CMBD.
- Americans spend more time each year just searching for entertainment than exercising (106 hours, 8% less), going to class (84 hours, 27% less), and participating in religious activities (51 hours, 56% less) according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That’s why it’s so important that the recent launch of Reelgood [] — the world’s first smart app that empowers you to choose something to watch in record time — offers these killer features:
There once was a time where viewers needed to surf Netflix, then switch to Hulu, then check out HBO, only to return to Netflix. Those days are now over. Reelgood allows for viewers to see what’s available on all of the streaming platforms at once, and then launch straight from Reelgood’s app.
Reelgood allows you to keep track of what you and your friends want to see, as well as your friends’ recommendations. It also notifies you about when and where movies on your list are available to view. That way, you won’t fall too far behind your colleagues the next time a new flick is available to stream.
Beyond multi-platform browsing and previews of what’s to come, Reelgood has another killer feature as well. It allows you to keep track of what you’ve watched, take notes, and engage with the Reelgood community. This comes in handy for a very specific scenario:
Suppose some of your close friends had to delay watching the latest blockbuster due to more pressing issues on their schedule (as if that was possible). In the past, you’d feel inclined to discuss the events with them, and become vilified for spoiling it for the rest of them. But now, there is a better option at your disposal.
Reelgood allows you to connect with the community in order to be able to discuss what happened as soon as possible. It’s a win for you, and a win for your slow-poke friends as well.
Reelgood’s CEO David Sanderson and team believe they may have discovered information about how to treat not Chronic Movie Browsing Dysfunction. If Reelgood has its way, in the not so distant future, we may reach the day in which these issues have become a thing of the past!