Need A Pick Me Up? 4 Ideas for You!

Are you feeling like you need a bit of a pick me up? Perhaps you’re bored, or maybe you’re just the type of person who always needs something fun to do – a hedonist. Whatever the case, below you’ll find 4 ideas that could be perfect for giving you a lift. Take a look and plan your next day out:


Go Shopping

It’s no secret that buying something new helps us to release happy hormones. This isn’t a good reason to go shopping every time you’re sad, but it could be a nice way to cheer yourself up if you have the money to do so. Shopping every time you’re sad or bored could end in disaster, but being smart about when you shop could leave you feeling great. Remember to avoid fast fashion! 


Try That Restaurant You’ve Always Wanted To Go To

If there’s a restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to, try it out. Treat yourself to a delicious meal – better yet, go alone and enjoy some ‘you’ time. 


Do A New Class Or Workshop 

Maybe you could go to a new yoga class, or learn how to make jewellery at a workshop. Learning something new will always make you feel good. 


See A Show 

Head to a show you’ve always wanted to see and get lost in it. If you’re not sure which one to see, the infographic below can be very helpful. Take a look and book your tickets! 

look at the shows in nyc