Life After Mastectomy: What Women Need To Know


You’ve made the bravest move to undergo a mastectomy. Now that you’re on your way to recovery, it’s normal to ask questions that are bothering you. Questions about how your life will be after the procedure will emerge, and as a woman who’s gone through so much, you’ll feel more than enough emotions that could overwhelm and even stress you out.

First things first–yes, there’s so much more to life after getting your breasts removed. It may feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself but if you look at the brighter side, you’ve gained more than what you’ve lost in the process. Still, there’ll be changes that you could expect and start living with moving forward.

Getting Comfortable In Your Own Skin Again

For women who identify themselves greatly with their femininity, it can be crushing to accept that their breasts are gone for good. Mothers who breastfed their kids, for instance, may feel more heartbroken knowing that this part of their motherhood will no longer be there. Indeed, having a mastectomy can change your life in more ways than one. For one, you’ll need to teach yourself again how to be comfortable in your own skin and your new person.

Small, baby steps could be the key to learning this again. Your confidence and strength may not be back up immediately, but you don’t have to worry. Take all the time you need to recover and start doing gradual changes along the way.

With your post-mastectomy wardrobe, for example, you might feel more comfortable wearing a Coobie bra as it’s seamless, supportive, and feminine. You can wear this type of bra when going out for a walk or even when at home as you recover.

Other women choose to uplift their confidence and spirits by going through reconstructive surgery. For them, it helped greatly in letting them live more confidently even after their mastectomy.

No matter what you choose, it all goes down to one simple truth–women have their own coping mechanisms, and they can go for anything that they feel will most helpful to them.

Coping With Anxiety, Fear, And Depression

Another thing to know after getting a mastectomy is that you’re bound to feel a load of emotions. You’ll feel depressed, stressed, afraid, among other overwhelming and scary feelings. With this, you may find it difficult to cope emotionally, especially since the whole journey has tainted your relationship with the people around you.

Once again, the key is to not rush things. The emotions you’re feeling are valid and you can’t go through the process without feeling anything. What you should focus on is how to better manage your depression, along with the other sentiments that you have. Turn to your family and friends because it’s important that you feel not alone during these times. Find ways to reach out to them and let them know that you’re coping with depression.

There’s no harm in being vulnerable. Sometimes, you need to show what you really feel so you could let go of it and move on with a more positive feeling.

Returning To A Normal Way Of Life

Perhaps the greatest fear of breast cancer patients who’ve gone through mastectomy is the question of will they ever return to their normal way of life. While it’s a difficult question to answer straight ahead, it all depends on your attitude and perspective in life. Sometimes, you just need to step back and appreciate life. It’s no longer a question of getting back to the once normal life but, more so, a matter of knowing that you’re able to survive something that not everyone can successfully go through.

It might be better to take it one day at a time and be thankful for what you have at the moment. It may not be a perfect life but, really, who’s comparing notes? Everyone is fighting a battle although not all their scars will show.

The Journey Never Ends

As with anything that life gives you, you should accept that your journey is still coursing. Life after mastectomy is still life, and that’s one thing to be thankful for. At times, you’ll be greeted with news of your breast cancer possibly recurring, and unfortunately, that’s part of it. You can’t control that aspect of your journey but you can do something about how you live your life as you go through it.

What you can do for now is to continue following up with your doctor. Always stay updated on how your test results are and don’t keep a secret from your healthcare partners. Tell them everything they need to know, how you’re feeling, what you’ve been up to, and even your future plans. Don’t hesitate to ask for a second opinion and ask again for a third one just to be sure.

Final Words

Don’t let your mastectomy stand in the way of you fulfilling your dreams and plans for the future. You’ve survived the hardest part and now you’re almost where you’re supposed to be. Keep fighting.