Is CBD in Your Skin Care Routine?


CBD has a variety of health benefits. One of the most often talked about – CBD and skin.  Just take a trip to any beauty counter, and you’ll see that CBD is a darling of the skincare world, and with good reason! Cure Crate carries various CBD skin care products formulated to encourage healthy and glowing skin and make an impact.

Cure Crate shares the scoop on what they are doing to your skin and how: 

How CBD Works on the Skin – The first topic to explore is how CBD and the endocannabinoid system works.  The simple version is that our body contains a system of endocannabinoids that the body naturally produces to regulate functions such as appetite, sleep, pain, and inflammation. The cannabis plant contains compounds known as phytocannabinoids, which have various effects on the body and impact the endocannabinoid system. CBD is one of the most well-known of these compounds.

CBD is Anti-inflammatory – The fact is a lot of things that negatively impact skin health are caused by inflammation. Inflammation can lead to redness, worsen acne, psoriasis, itchiness, and general unhealthiness of the skin. CBD has shown effectiveness in research as being a protective agent against neuroinflammatory disorders. These anti-inflammatory effects have also proven helpful against inflammatory skin disorders.

Adding CBD to your skincare routine is a great way not just to help you battle skin issues like acne and psoriasis but help you put your best face forward! Here are some of the favorites that they feature in Cure Crate: 

  • Sheet Mask – Collagen Sheet Mask by Mantra

  • Facial Serum – Glowing Face Serum by Vertly

  • Face Mask – Chamomile Face Mask by Hugs

  • Lotion – Bergamot lotion by Empower CBD

  • Lip Balm – Lip balm by Highline Wellness

  • Eye Treatment – CBD Under Eye Patches by MASK