How Does Metabolism Play a Role In Weight Loss?


Metabolism is the process through which the food that you eat is converted into energy in the body. In this complex process, the calories from food combine with oxygen in a chemical reaction that yields energy. Basal metabolic rate refers to the number of calories that your body burns to sustain some basic functions like breathing and blood circulation when resting. Different people have different metabolism rates.

Understanding your metabolism is a good starting point in the weight loss journey. However, weight gain happens due to many factors, including what you eat and your lifestyle, and therefore, it is important to consider all these factors as you try to lose weight. It is also essential to have patience and consistency in the weight loss journey because it might take some time for you to get the results.

What Role Does Metabolism Play In Weight Loss?

Metabolism is the body that works like a car engine. This means that metabolism is always running even when you are inactive, just like a car’s engine in a traffic jam that is not moving or at a stoplight. During resting periods like when you are sleeping, few calories are still being broken to keep the body in a functioning state. The energy that is produced during metabolism can either be used immediately or stored for later use.

For metabolism to be effective in weight loss, it is important to watch what you eat. This is because the body is designed to store any extra calories that remain after the body has utilized enough energy. It is also crucial to be physically active as you try to lose weight. When you engage in aerobic exercises or even simple activities like walking, you stimulate your body to burn more calories.

What Determines Your Metabolism Rate?

Different people have different rates of metabolism. Covering four types of metabolic factors, this quiz can help you understand how your metabolism works at the moment. Some people have fast metabolism rates, while others have slow metabolism rates. Having a fast metabolism rate means that your body burns more calories when you are active or inactive.

People with a slow metabolism rate burn calories at a slower rate when other factors like physical inactivity are present; these people are at risk of becoming overweight. Some factors determine how fast your body breaks down calories. These factors are listed below;

  • Genetics – Some people have a genetic predisposition to slow metabolism, while others have a fast metabolic rate. People with a slow metabolism have to put more effort into losing weight than those with a fast metabolic rate.
  • Body Size – If you have a large body and more muscle, your body likely burns more calories than in small persons.
  • Sex – Because men have more muscle than fat, they burn more calories than women who have more fat than muscle.
  • Age – as you age, your muscles bulk reduces while the amount of fat in your body increases, and this slows your metabolic rate.

How Can You Boost Your Metabolism Rate?

Lifestyle modification and eating a healthy diet are some of the ways to improve your metabolism. Here is a detailed breakdown of what you can do.

Increase Your Protein Intake

One of the ways to boost your metabolism is by eating a diet that raises the thermic effect of food (TEF). TEF means that the food raises the metabolism rate for a short duration, like in a few hours. Proteins have the highest TEF rate and can raise the metabolic rate by up to 20%.

Do Regular Workout

While having a fast metabolism is one of the ways that helps in weight loss, it is vital to work out. Physical exercise enables you to burn extra calories in your body. If you cannot go to the gym, you can do simple exercise at home like jogging and taking walks. Being physically active also reduces your chances of suffering from lifestyle diseases like diabetes.

Drink a Lot of Cold Water

Drinking a lot of water stimulates an increase in your body’s metabolic rate. It is proposed that drinking cold water further raises the metabolic rate because the body uses more energy to heat the water. Water also has a filling effect that makes you eat less food, which helps you lose weight.

Get Enough Sleep at Night

Failure to get enough sleep at night is one of the factors that contribute to obesity. Sleep deprivation stimulates the production of a hunger-stimulating hormone that is called ghrelin. People who are sleep deprived eat more food, and this contributes to weight gain. Getting enough sleep at night enhances your metabolism rate.


Metabolism is the process by which your body burns calories to release energy. Having an efficient metabolism is one of the ways that can help you to lose weight. Some of the factors that determine your metabolic rate include your body size and composition, sex, and age. Boosting your metabolism is effective in weight loss when combined with lifestyle modification and physical exercise.