How do I Know if I Need Knee Pain Treatment?

Are you experiencing knee pain? When it comes to exercising and sports, knee injuries are a common occurrence. The good news is that the majority of them don’t require surgery. However, you should still lookout for any possible signs that may signal your knee injury is serious, so you can seek knee pain treatment right away from your doctor.

Knee Signs to Watch Out for


In the majority of cases, it is typical for your knee to swell due to the collection of fluid around the injured area. However, if the swelling becomes unbearable following an injury, then it is possible that you have a fractured knee or a torn ACL. This injury will require you to seek immediate medical attention.

Popping Sound

There are some instances where you may hear a loud popping noise coming from your knee following an awkward land or fall. It may also be accompanied by a sharp pain. If this is your case, you should consider visiting a knee injury specialist to see if you tore a ligament in your knee.

Unable to Bear Weight

Many knee injuries that are serious can result in pain when you try to put pressure on the leg that was injured. If this situation sounds like you, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Buckling Under Pressure

If your knee gives out when you twist while playing sports or other activities, or buckles under pressure, you should visit your doctor. These can signal a torn ligament as well.

Locked Knee

Many young athletes experience injury to their meniscus that can result in an inner torn fragment. This can prevent movement. This will probably require surgery so that the surgeon can push it back into its proper place.

Unable to Extend the Knee

Swelling, aches, pains, or inflammation can cause a lack of range of motion in your knee. However, there are other times when these same symptoms can signal a torn ACL, meniscus tear, patellar dislocation, or other similar problems. This is another issue that is serious and requires immediate medical attention.

Knee Pain Treatment

Depending on the cause of your knee pain and injury, treatment will vary.

Home Remedies

There are various home remedies you can do at home to relieve your knee pain. However, you still must get it checked out to make sure that it is not serious. You can try to rest your knee, apply ice, use compression, and elevate your leg to keep the swelling minimal.

OTC Therapies

You can also try over-the-counter pain meds to help with inflammation, pain, and swelling, including NSAIDs, and acetaminophen. Sometimes, your doctor may even prescribe pain medication if your pain is too intense, such as Celebrex, or Meloxicam.

Surgery/Physical Therapy

Using home remedies may just help keep your symptoms at bay. However, these remedies will not take care of any underlying damage done to your joint. Sometimes surgery or even physical therapy will be needed.

Physical therapy is often done following a meniscal tear or even another traumatic ligament tear. Surgery can be completed if a ligament needs to be reconstructed, a tendon needs to be repaired, or a partial meniscectomy is needed.

Final Word

Knee injuries that are traumatic can be extremely painful and can even have an effect on how you go about your day. This is why it is important to have any knee injury checked out by a doctor as soon as you can. Your doctor will then be able to recommend necessary interventions depending on your condition.