How Calcium and Vitamin D Work Together For Bone Health


A balanced diet and lifestyle is key to good health; it helps to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function normally. Some of these nutrients work alone, whereas others team together.

Within this guide, we will be taking you through two nutrients that work together to maintain optimal bone health. These nutrients go by the name of calcium and vitamin D.

Calcium’s Role In The Body

Calcium is a mineral that contributes to various different functions in the body. It is most commonly known for supporting the normal structure of your bones. But, it doesn’t stop there. As approved by the EFSA, calcium also:

  • Helps to keep a healthy blood pressure
  • Is needed for muscle function
  • Is necessary for healthy teeth
  • Regulates the functioning of nerves
  • Promotes a healthy heart

How To Get Enough Calcium: With such key roles to play in the body, getting enough calcium is essential. Luckily, most of it can be obtained through your diet. It is most commonly found in dairy products, bony fish, leafy green vegetables, and nuts.

Vitamin D’s Role In The Body

Vitamin D is another essential nutrient with several roles in the body. It is incredibly important for the immune system, but as approved by the EFSA, also:

  • Helps to build and maintain strong muscles
  • Plays a role in cardiovascular function
  • Aids calcium absorption

How To Get Enough Vitamin D: Unlike calcium, vitamin D cannot be obtained through food alone. You may have heard it being called the “sunshine vitamin” – this is because your skin produces it when exposed to sunlight.

Many people choose to take vitamin D3 supplements to safeguard their daily intake. This is strongly advised during the winter months, especially if you live in the UK. This is because the sun isn’t strong enough during this time.

What’s The Link Between Calcium and Vitamin D?

As you may have guessed by the last bullet point, vitamin D aids calcium absorption. In simpler terms, calcium cannot function properly without the assistance of vitamin D. If your body can’t absorb enough calcium, it won’t be able to carry out the important roles mentioned earlier in this guide.

When To Visit A Specialist

If you spend enough time outdoors and eat a nutritious diet, you shouldn’t have to worry about your vitamin intake. This is because, as mentioned earlier, you can get most vitamins through the foods you eat (with vitamin D being an exception!).

If you feel as though your diet or lifestyle cannot support your vitamin intake, it’s worth reaching out to a nutritionist or health expert. They will be able to assess your situation and provide guidance on what to do next. More times than not, they will suggest a supplement to safeguard your vitamin intake. Supplements give a lot of people peace of mind and can be tailored to your body’s exact needs.

No matter what lifestyle you lead, ensuring you get enough vitamin D and calcium should be of the utmost importance. Your body needs them to work together to support its normal function.