We’ve all seen the Snickers commercials starring celebrities like Betty White, Aretha Franklin, Liza Minnelli, Joe Pesci, etc. Snickers Commercials: “You’re not you when your hungry”
Now we know why we get cranky when we’re hungry. When the brain is starving for glucose, it triggers a chain reaction of stress hormones that make it harder to control our emotions.
Is grabbing a Snickers really a good idea or does it cause chaos with your blood sugar? What’s the best way to keep glucose levels consistent?

Do you ever feel ‘hangry’ – when you become touchy and tense if you haven’t eaten for a while?
Many of us do – and it turns out there’s a good reason for it.
Researchers at the Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Public Health say that the feeling is actually a survival mechanism.
‘What’s interesting is hanger is actually a survival mechanism,’ said Brenda Bustillos, of Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Public Health.
‘The amount of glucose available for the brain declines as more time passes between meals.
‘Food is important because when glucose levels become too low, our brain triggers the release of stress hormones.’
‘There is a definite linkage between lack of glucose-because of lack of food intake-and limited self-control responses.’
‘When we’re unable to receive food, we experience a physiological response that creates frustration.’
‘In a brain lacking glucose, it’s harder to control signs of anger.
‘Acute bouts of hunger trigger the release of stress hormones, which makes it harder to manage our anger and irritability.’
The cure is simple, though, Bustillos says – just have something to eat.