Clearly, the flu is reaching epidemic proportions, especially in the Northeast. Dr. Susan Blum, board certified in Preventive Medicine, a chronic disease specialist, and Founder and Director of Blum Center for Health in Rye Brook, NY shares her expert tips for protecting yourself against the flu. Keep in mind that there are other viruses making people sick, not just the flu virus. Since you can’t take a shot to protect yourself from all of these possible viruses, according to Dr. Bum, the best strategy is to strengthen your immune system to fight all of them.
Here are Dr.Blum’s top tips for prevention and protection:
First work on your immune foundation. This is not just during flu season but should be a strategy all year round because a strong immune system is the foundation for staying healthy in general.
Three Parts to a Healthy Immune Foundation:
1. Good gut health which means lots of beneficial bacteria. Take a probiotic every day with at least 20 billion cfu of mixed strains lactobacillus and bifidus species. If you are taking antacids or proton pump inhibitors, stop because this alters your gut flora in a negative way.
2. Balanced stress hormones. Get a good night sleep and don’t over work yourself duri ng flu season. Stress harms your ability to fight viruses.
3. Eat foods that are good for your immune system. This means avoiding processed foods and focusing on fruits and veggies that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
How to Boost Your Immune System to Protect Yourself from the Flu
1. Here are the important vitamins:
-Vitamin D 2000 iu/day
-Vitamin A retinyl palmitate 5000 iu/day
-Zinc 30 mg/day
-Vitamin C 3-4000 mg/day
2. Additional supplements
-Whey Protein Powder is high in immunoglobulins that boost your immune system
-Herbs like Elderberry, Echinacea and Astragalus
-Beta Glucan supplements (mushroom extracts)
3. Make sure to wash your hands multiple times each day, especially before you eat and after exposure to public transportation like riding the subway.
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i’m all about the whey protein!!! PB and chocolate!!! best bfast eva!!
i’m all about the whey protein!!! PB and chocolate!!! best bfast eva!!