A number of people take pleasure in creating a fashionable look using their eye glasses. Color contact lenses allow you to be glasses-free and exclude classy vision surgery. These lenses also offer wider view than other glasses. Just like other eye glasses, they are mainly used to correct astigmatism, short-sightedness and long sightedness. These powerful gadgets have been in use for many years all with different color contacts hence offering a wide selection list. If you were afraid of wearing them due to old myths, today’s lenses offer admirable health options with great convenience.
The first step in getting a contact lens is to get examination from a doctor to ascertain the best ones for you. This is done by evaluating the visual needs. Actually, there are many types of color contact lenses based on the material used to make them, durability, design, cost among other factors. Based on these, they are categorized into four. Soft lenses are the most common. They are made from gel-like plastic material and are designed to enclose the cornea.
Gas lenses which are permeable in nature (often called GP lenses) are small in size and are made using rigid plastics. Such lenses are known for provision of sharp vision. Hybrid lenses are made by blending characteristics of GP and soft lenses. They offer high degree of crisps optical features making them to be in wide use not only in correcting eye defects but also in fashion. Moreover, there is provision for different color contacts. The other form of these magnifying tools is the hard lenses that are made out of rigid materials of plastic. They take after GP but are impermeable.
All the types of the lenses are further subdivided into either daily or extended. The daily ones are put on during the day. Most fashion contact lenses fall under this category. Extended contacts are only worn at night. They too come in different designs depending on the shape. Spherical design dominates the field since it is excellent in correcting many defects of the eye.
Lenses can be designed to have different colors depending on your natural eye color. Particularly, soft lenses offer a great variety of colors making them compatible with many features of the eyes. You can make your eyes look green, blue or even brown. It is worth noting that the eye needs to be healthy enough to support the lenses. Therefore, it is important to go for eye check up so that the doctor can determine whether you are fit for it. In addition, you get counsel on how best you can use these lenses.
This is followed by fitting of the lens. Eye measurements are taken that ensure that the lenses fit well. You may be required to have regular visits to the doctor to confirm that the operation is giving positive results. If an error is detected, changes are done.
Since you want to always look beautiful and up to the fashion, take maximum care of
FreshKon®, an international brand widely renowned for its flagship labels – FreshKon® Alluring Eyes and FreshKon® Colors Fusion have been warmly embraced by legions of fashionistas. A leading cosmetic contact lens brand, FreshKon® provides an extensive range of beauty enhancement and fashion lenses that cater to the diverse desires and needs of modern individuals.