Author Archives: Stacy G

“Srsly” “Twerk” is now in the Dictionary

HOW TIMELY Oxford Dictionary Adds 'Twerk,' 'Derp,' 'Selfie,' And 'Phablet' Oxford Dictionaries Online is [see more...]

Anna Raimondi Appearing at The Ridgefield Playhouse October 17 at 7:30pm

Anna Raimondi Appearing at The Ridgefield Playhouse October 17 at 7:30pm

Hear What The Oprah of Sex has to Say

Guest blog by the “Oprah of Sex”, CEO Jillian Bice     When you’re a woman [see more...]

Win 2 Tickets to Bill Cosby at the #Westchester County Center

Quite simply, Cosby is a National Treasure! His comedy transcends age, gender and cultural barriers. [see more...]

Stacy Knows Chop Culinary Entertainment

  I love to entertain and am always looking for fun, new activities and menu [see more...]

How Many Women Have Your Body Shape?

  If you feel like you are the only one with a body shape such [see more...]

Hypnosis Improving Sex, Relationships and Helping Women Attract Mr. Right

They say there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but many singles feel like Cupid [see more...]

Jennie Cook’s Zucchini Butter (via Food 52)

Every week — often with your help — Food52’s Senior Editor Kristen Miglore is unearthing recipes that are [see more...]

Ebates Online Rebates and Coupons at over 1,500 Stores! is a great Web site that pays you cash back every time [see more...]

The Box Returns to the Hamptons Labor Day

Expect the unexpected!   After a fantastic first performance, The Box is bringing its crazy [see more...]

I Love a Love Story

    In 1978, Gay Cioffi and Mark Obenhaus had a summer fling in the [see more...] | Food And Wine | Mixology | Eight Tasty Ways To Spend National Rum Day | Food And Wine | Mixology | Eight Tasty Ways To Spend National Rum [see more...]

Walk the White Plains Farmer’s Market with Chef Holder

Guest post  delicioulst written  By Katie Schlientz, Creator of   If you’re feeling a [see more...]

Back To School Giveaway

    It’s back to school time and School Search Solutions is here to help [see more...]

Sept. 10 Deadline: Why You Should Sell Your Old iPhone Now (Stacy Knows)

With Apple widely expected to launch its new iPhone on Sept. 10, a savvy consumer could lock [see more...]

Introverted Girls and Dating

There are pros and cons to dating an introvert: they are often more interesting, loyal, [see more...]

Fifty Shades of Dumb

Matt Lauer called him a “lunatic” and Katie Couric called him the “chronicler of stupid [see more...]

Watch out, Women May be the New Pickup Artists

Do you remember the days when men did all the picking-up….at the bars, on the [see more...]

Now I Know why Hotel Wi Fi Sucks

Which would you rather have free WiFi or free coffee? I have been travelling more [see more...]