Author Archives: Stacy G

What Makes an Excellent Coffee Mug?

    Everyone has a favorite coffee mug — the mug they automatically reach for [see more...]

How To Level-Up Your Airbnb Listing

    Airbnb properties are a very popular choice with travelers today. If you have [see more...]

How CBD Can Provide a Boost for Your Immune System

Because of the various properties and health benefits of cannabidiol, CBD-based products have grown in [see more...]

4 Tips to Managing Your Appearance While Working in a Corporate Environment

We all know that we should dress for the job we want, not the one [see more...]

How CBD Affects Your Diet

  It is not proven that CBD definitely affects your diet but there is some [see more...]

Animal Advocate ‘Puppy Guru’ to Talk at Harvey

Bedford native Victoria Lily Shaffer, making a name for herself in the world of animal [see more...]

A Short Guide To Roman Candles

    One of the best things about the summertime is getting to enjoy the [see more...]

Bedford Playhouse Announces ReOpening of the Playhouse Café on Friday December 3rd featuring Guest Culinary Artist Matt Safarowic

 Bedford Playhouse has announced it will reopen the Playhouse Café this Friday, December 3, just [see more...]

5 Basic First Aid Skills You Should Know

  As much as we may wish it didn’t, accidents can always happen. Knowing first [see more...]

White Plains Holiday Shopping Local Businesses with Special Offers This Holiday Season Small Business Saturday, November 27 – Sunday December 19

    The White Plains Business Improvement District (White Plains BID) is supporting small businesses [see more...]

The Main Reasons Why We Enjoy Scented Candles

The smell of scent is powerful. It can remind us of times in the past, [see more...]

Mastering The Art Of Successful Negotiations: 5 Skills To Polish

    The corporate realm demands negotiations and savvy communications at every turn, from signing [see more...]

Barre-Tender shaking up things in Armonk

I couldn’t be more excited to tell you about the new Barre in town. Jen [see more...]

Essential Things to Know While Choosing Best Skincare Center

Taking care of your skin shows how much you care about your health. Healthy skin [see more...]

Here’s “The Perfect Holiday Gift” for the Dog-Lovers in Your Life

PUP CULTURE: Stories, Tips, and the Importance of Adopting a Dog By Victoria Lily Shaffer [see more...]

5 Ways to Prepare your Garden for Outdoor Christmas

      Christmas is just around the corner, which means it’s time to dress [see more...]

How to Save Money on Groceries in a Tough Economy

With the average cost of groceries 3.5 percent higher in 2020 and an inflation rate [see more...]

How to Protect Your Business From Chargebacks

When you open your business, all you want is to provide a product or service, [see more...]

Fitness and Health Coaching Services Found In Any Personal Training Facility

A personal trainer is a certified coach who helps people in their journey to become [see more...]

White Plains Holiday Shopping Local Businesses with Special Offers This Holiday Season Small Business Saturday, November 27 – Sunday December 19

 The White Plains Business Improvement District (White Plains BID) is supporting small businesses in downtown [see more...]