The Therapeutic Effects of Long Drives


Have you ever had such a bad day that you feel like getting in the car and driving for several hours? That might not be a bad idea. In fact, long drives can have several therapeutic effects that can actually make you feel better. Consider the following driving benefits.

Time to Unwind Alone

First, a nice, long drive can give you the opportunity to unwind alone, whether you climb into your old clunker or a top new Ford for sale on today’s market. Perhaps you’ve spent your day dealing with everyone else’s problems and complaints. You know if you go home right away, you’ll just walk back into the same thing. So go for a drive instead.

As you drive, you might notice your heart rate dropping, your muscles loosening up, and the tension leaving your neck and back. What’s more, you can spend some time with your own thoughts, working out an issue or simply turning your attention to something else for a while.

A Change in Focus

In fact, your drive can give you a total change of focus. You’ll have to pay attention to the road, of course, but you can also enjoy the scenery and notice something new about the areas you travel through. You’ll have the chance to turn your attention away from your problems for a while, and this can give you a fresher perspective when you step back into your regular routine.

A Cognitive Boost

Driving also provides a cognitive boost. Your perception sharpens, and you need to pay close attention to your surroundings. There are times when you need to make quick decisions and call up memories about how to deal with situations. All this can help you feel sharper and more in charge of your life, and you can use these skills when you return to whatever you need to do next.

Music and Books

Of course, a long drive is the perfect time to enjoy music and audio books. Set up some playlists that you can easily access in your car. You might need an energetic set of songs to boost your mood, or you could turn to a relaxing lineup to calm the stress. There’s no reason why you can’t drive around for a while and listen to a chapter or two from an audio book either. You can immerse yourself in a story for a bit and feel the tension melt away.

A Word of Caution

While long drives can certainly be therapeutic, a word of caution is necessary. Be extra careful driving if you’re experiencing great emotional upset. This could actually make your situation worse because it puts you at risk for accidents. Take a few minutes to calm down before you get into the car.

Drive To Feel Better

That said, though, you can and should drive to feel better sometimes. Long drives can have great therapeutic benefits as they give you time to cool off, be alone, assess your situation, and enjoy the entertainment of audio books and music. Then you’ll be better able to get back to your day and handle whatever it throws at you.