7 Anti-aging Strategies That Actually Work


Immortality and eternal youth have always been sought after, whether in real life or legendary myths. Even though the average lifespan of humans has drastically increased throughout civilizations, maintaining the looks of youth is still one of the priorities of many people. Many cultures believed in certain substances that could be eaten to elongate one’s life. Fortunately, the path to a younger look is much easier in our modern world.

To help you wrap your head around the most popular and effective methods, we’re listing the top 7 anti-aging strategies that you can expect to work.

Gentle Face Wash

Face wash is a pretty known remedy to a myriad of skin conditions thanks to its ability to remove dirt, harmful oils, and other small debris. The problem is that not all face washes are the same; some are rougher on your skin than others. This is very important for people who may be suffering from acne breakouts, which harsh face washes can make even worse. Some washes contain green tea to repair the damages caused by free radicals, in addition to essential fatty acids that ensure your skin is always hydrated. When you’re trying to apply the face wash, ensure that you’re using gentle circular motions because scrubbing your skin too harsh will cause the reversed effect, which can make your skin age faster.

Botox Injections

Botox is a very well-known substance in the anti-aging market. It’s used by many celebrities and high-profile figures due to its effectiveness and stability. Interestingly, Botox is a form of neurological toxin, but if it’s used with the right technique by professional aesthetic services, it can counter the effect of aging by blocking the signals to contracting muscles that cause wrinkles. There are more than one way and area that can be used in applying Botox injections, giving a lot of options for your skin.

Fractional Laser Resurfacing

Laser usage has been around for a while in a variety of different cosmetic treatments, but fractional laser resurfacing is considered one of the few breakthroughs that actually made strides in the world of cosmetic operations. It utilizes the best of two worlds; CO2 lasers coupled with another modern technology to remove the infamous side effects. You are removing wrinkles, which are the epitome of the most obvious signs of aging, while not compromising the quality of your skin or experiencing downtime. It focuses on rebuilding collagen, which is lost through sun exposure and pollution, through using lasers to create very small holes in skin cells to act as a catalyst to collagen production.

Using Antioxidants

Amongst the very trendy and popular products, antioxidants are hailed by many as a miraculous solution that can resolve a lot of skin-aging problems. Unstable molecules that hurt the skin, known as free radicals, can be produced from natural or artificial elements in your daily life. Antioxidants are an over-the-counter solution that can help reduce the number of free radicals on the skin. They are quite easy and safe to use on almost any skin.


Peptides increase the rate of collagen production inside skin cells, but they use a different mechanism than that of a fractional laser. It’s relatively more convenient as it can be applied to the skin in the form of cream or ointment. Peptides can help you achieve a Botox-like look by using a similar mechanism that prevents the neurotransmitters responsible for wrinkles from being released freely. It’s become easier over time to develop more customized peptide products that can accommodate different skin types.

Considering the Food you Eat

While focusing on the outside part of the skin may be helpful in maintaining a young look, nothing beats a proper anti-aging diet when it comes to maintaining a younger and more vibrant appearance. You’ll want to choose a diet that can be easily followed for years to come. You should try to stay clear of things that can dehydrate your body and skin like alcohol and smoking. You should also avoid carbs that are not whole wheat and sugary foods because they’ll accelerate the aging process by breaking down glucose.


While a pill may not be the modern resolution to any problem we have, it can still have magical effects on your body if you pick the right supplement or nutrient. It’s known that omega-3 acids that are found in food like salmon can work on slowing down the aging process by preventing the formation of wrinkles. Those who don’t follow a diet that involves fish products should opt for fish oil and flaxseed supplements to rejuvenate their skin.

Modern anti-aging strategies may not aspire to help you achieve immortality, but certain diets can still help you age slower than usual. Fortunately, modern technology is also proving a valuable asset in the quest to remain young. It’s always possible to use different combinations of the mentioned strategies to achieve a younger look faster.