5 Health Concerns for Women

Women have specific health needs that have to be addressed during each stage of their lives. When they go through puberty, they have to deal with menstruation and the pain and discomfort that comes with it. If and when they become pregnant, they must monitor their heart health and attend to their nutritional needs as well as pay attention to their baby’s development. As they approach middle age, they have to face fertility and hormonal changes. Check out this list of five health concerns for women.

1. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a devasting illness that impacts a multitude of women each year. Some risk factors for this disease include family history, aging, smoking, and drinking alcohol. Fortunately, women can increase their chance of surviving this disease by getting mammograms on an annual basis. They can also lower their risk of developing it by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and reducing their consumption of alcohol.

2. Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer represents the number one cause of gynecological deaths each year. A woman’s family history, use of estrogen replacement therapy medications, utilization of tobacco products, and genetic mutations can increase her chance of developing ovarian cancer. However, if she has children before the age of 35, breastfeeds her children, takes oral contraceptives, undergoes tubal ligation, and gets her ovaries or fallopian tubes removed, she can decrease her risk of getting the disease.

3. Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer has affected millions of women worldwide. Hereditary factors, genetic factors, tobacco usage, sexually transmitted diseases (e.g., HPV and HIV), nutritional deficiencies, and promiscuity can make a woman’s chance of developing cervical cancer spike. However, she can decrease her risk by taking advantage of the HPV vaccine, practicing safe sex, and quitting smoking. It is vital that women get Pap tests every three years or so because doing so can stop cervical cancer cells from ever forming within them.

4. Osteoporosis

Osteteoporis is often seen in older women, that is women who are experiencing or have experienced menopause. There is a noticeable reduction in a woman’s estrogen levels during menopause. This results in a loss in bone density. Women can decrease their chance of developing osteoporosis by drinking less caffeinated products, eating a calcium-rich diet, getting plenty of vitamin D, and avoiding activities that could lead to bone fractures.

5. Depression

A woman’s intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships can be severely compromised if she is suffering from depression. Depression can arise because of chronic stress, chronic anxiety, workaholism, drug abuse, childbirth, or the death of a loved one. One of the best ways a woman can tackle her bouts of depression is by talking to a therapist. He or she may end up working with a psychiatrist, who can prescribe antidepressants if need be. Some find that engaging in moderate-intensity exercises and meditating each morning helps them cope with depression.

A woman can achieve optimal health at each stage of her life. She can do so by visiting her doctor regularly and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.