You may find yourself having moments of disbelief as it relates to our current situation. I know how you are feeling! It’s a lot! It’s hard to take it all in and break it down. PLEASE know that you are not alone. I know this is a very uncertain time. Try to take comfort in knowing that we are all in this together, we are one voice, one people. Even though we remain separate and distanced from one another our collective energy can move mountains.
You are never alone, during this time isolation there are surprising ways to still feel incredibly connected and social. Try FaceTime or zoom to connect on camera with friends and loved ones. Or just pick up the phone and have a long chat. If you need someone please email me, I am here too.
Try if you can to think of this time as a re-boot. Allowing our earth to heal, and our families to slow down and connect with one another. We have to try to see something positive in it, so that we can better cope each day. One day at a time.
Things we can do in our homes to pass time and be productive:
Organize cupboards and closets
Go through clothing and collect donations for the underprivileged
Organize your medicine cabinet and vitamins
If you have an old Kindle or Nook, locate and charge it up and download a book to read, or go into your bookshelf and start a new book
Watch a series on TV, Netflix, Amazon
Watch a movie at night instead of the news
Order seeds online and think about planting a garden, you can start them inside with a grow light
Bake homemade bread
Make personal lavender night time calming sprays for pillows and blankets
Order an essential oil kit and make aromatherapy combinations, I can help you and teach you how to make sprays, natural cleaners, how to clean your produce etc
Think of ways we can help and support our nurses and doctors from home- start a donation ring and order breakfast lunch and dinner to your local hospitals
Take an online course, cooking, photography, computer coding, the list is endless (I offer an online cooking class and have cut the tuition in half if interested ask me!)