Top Apps That Will Boost Your Language Skills in No Time

Would you like to advance your foreign language skills? You can readily do so, thanks to the increased language translations apps and websites. The apps are mobile-friendly, which means that you can learn the languages through your android or iOS device. All you need is a smart device with access to the internet. You will also need a subscription for the software and boost your language skills without time and location limitations.


If you are moving to a foreign country and you want to familiarize yourself with their native language, here are top language apps to help you out.

Hello Talk

This app allows you to learn a foreign language by exchanging words and phrases with natives of your target country. The idea behind the app development is to provide an avenue for language practice and reduce communication barriers. You can use the app to learn over 100 different languages, establish new relationships, and learn about other cultures. You can communicate via any communication medium, including voice calls, text messages, video calls, voice recordings, and even doodles. The app’s built-in system will help you translate, pronounce, and correct the phrases to give a flow to your conversation. You can always mark your top discussions, and review them frequently using the text to voice option to get used to the wording and pronunciation.


This app is ideal for learners of all levels. Learners get access to news vocabulary, word pronunciations, and clear grammar explanations. They also gain cultural insights through the exchange of words and phrases. An additional perk is that learners can get instant online help from tutors who are always online, waiting to help. You can use the app to familiarize yourself with Japanese, Hebrew, and Russian languages. You can also use these top 5 apps to learn more about the above languages. For effective learning, the online tutors will create a roadmap to fluency to equip you with the most productive study routines, and guide you in choosing and using the learning resources. The app uses an algorithm to trace your learning progress and review the topics directed towards achieving your goals. Your subscription will also include studying the ‘Language Learning Secrets Book’ on top of The Roadmap to Fluency.


Mindsnacks allows learners to study seven languages, including Portuguese, French, Italian, Germany, Chinese, kid’s vocabulary, and mathematics. Each of the seven languages is customized with more than eight simple games to help you learn grammar, new vocabulary, and sharpen your listening skills. Mindsnacks keeps track of your learning progress and displays areas where you need cover to achieve language proficiency on individual skills. It also allows you to replay the games to master a skill that had not been captured well in your previous play. You can download the app for free, but you need a subscription to access the language lessons and get entertained at the same time.


Busuu app gives learners access to 12 different languages. It is free to download but with limited features. It allows you to learn grammar and pronunciation about native languages by listening to words and dialogues. Then, answer questions emanating from such discussions. Each of the 12 courses includes a separate travel course to equip those with plans to travel overseas with the basics. You can participate in the platform as a contributor, a learner, or both. The beauty of the Busuu app is that you can communicate with natives in real-time and boost your speaking skills. You can also get points for your active participation and educating others about your language.


Memrise will give you a personalized learning experience by watching and listening to the natives’ dialogues. The learning process involves the use of games to instill knowledge to the learners. The learners, in turn, use their newly learned vocabulary to create funny memes. The idea behind memes is to help learners to recall the language with much ease. By going through the various memes created by all the visitors on the platform, you can end up learning thousands of native words. Other handy perks in Memrise include spaced repetition and mnemonics. The spaced repetition feature will calculate the frequency in which you should review every story and initiate the app always to remind you when it is time for review.

You can use the above apps to refresh or advance your skills in a foreign language. All you need is download the apps and subscribe to get the maximum benefits, including new vocabulary, entertainment, and real-time exchanges with the natives. Some apps will even allow you to mark your previous conversations for review of prior lessons.