Health and wellness with your daily coffee!

Iced Coffee – as only Martha (and nature) could brew” inspired by Martha Stewart, and inspired by nature, ULIVjava is the brainchild of Martha Stewart’s personal trainer, Mary Tedesco, and co-founder and nutritionist, Kathleen Schoen. The result is a refreshing coffee beverage that delights the taste buds as it rejuvenates the spirit ULIVjava Revitalizing Iced Coffee is the synergy of Fair Trade coffee with natural herbs and botanical as only Martha (and nature) could combine. A superior drink nourishes with the benefits of green tea, yerba mate, astragalus, ginseng, B vitamins, and vitamin D, this blend is what healthy living is all about – botanical, nature and you. It’s a good thing!
Martha Stewart has partnered up with Mary Tedesco and Kathleen Schoen to bring you this delicious, organic, fair-trade coffee, which is infused with vitamins, minerals, and herbs, making it super-nutritious. Presently, there are two ready-to-drink iced coffees and three ground coffees.
What a great idea, infusing coffee with beneficial vitamins, herbs and minerals.

ULIVjava’s story began when Westchesterite Mary Tedesco was standing in a coffee shop and ordering an afternoon
iced coffee. The lady next to her was ordering a green tea and for the third time that week Mary
found herself wishing she liked the nutritional green tea more. On the way home from the coffee
shop Mary decided she was going to put green tea and every other fabulous and healthy herbal
ingredient into her own morning coffee. She called her friend and clinical nutritionist Kathleen Schoen
and asked her what she thought about the idea.
Kathleen being a Clinical Nutritionist and Mary being a Fitness Expert and celebrity Personal
Trainer have worked together for 10 years inspiring people of every age to live long, healthy,
vibrant lives. They have helped sick people get well and healthy minded people think and live
even healthier more vibrant lives.
Mary has been Martha Stewart’s Personal Fitness Trainer for the last 10 years. So when the
products were perfected she took the coffee to her. “I love everything the ULIVjava coffee stands
for – health and vitality, really a superior healthy coffee”. She immediately became a fan.
Together, Kathleen and Mary have created superior coffee products with the benefits of herbs
and botanicals.