I ran into Miss Connecticut Kaitlyn Tapey, at The Bar Method Rye Brook . We were both there participating in a fun fund raiser for Port Chester Carver Center. The Carver Center is the primary community-based organization in the village of Port Chester, New York. The Center offers programs and resources designed to meet the educational, recreational, cultural and civic needs of children, youth and adults, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of underprivileged youth.
“I’ve always been a giver, and I was brought up being told to always give more of yourself than you take. It’s not a matter of liking or disliking raising money for charities, it’s believing that certain organizations should be supported. I feel it is my duty to promote and support organizations that bring such good to people.”
Why is this Bar Method Rye Brook / Carver Center event meaningful to you?
“First off, I have fallen in love with Bar Method Rye Brook. The environment is so positive and so supportive, it’s the perfect place for someone to be if they are trying to reach a goal.Then, when I read about the Carver Center and its mission to provide educational opportunities to underprivileged youth, I felt I needed to be at this fundraiser. Sometimes we are blinded by how blessed we are, that we begin to expect things as normalcy while others struggle to get those “things”. I am a very strong supporter of providing opportunities to children, no matter their socioeconomic background, and I think the Carver Center aims to do exactly that.”
How have bar method classes helped you? Mentally and physically?
“I have finally reached the point of relaxation with strength. As someone who is consistently traveling, Bar class gives me an hour to focus on my breathing while ensuring I’m burning the calories (now and later!) I feel feminine and fit, fresh and fabulous.”
What impact do you want to make on local Westchester and CT teens?
“I think the best lesson I can teach someone is the importance of self-love. It took me a while to reach my self acceptance; my red hair, my freckles, my braces, I had that awkward stage that every teen experiences and I had to grow to love myself. I see teens fixated on “ideals” that are just unrealistic and unhealthy, and I try to lead by example by saying “Hey, I’m a redhead and I rock it! I have muscles, and that’s cool!” Our society needs to push self-love and self-acceptence, it is the only way we can create strong, fearless leaders.”
What’s your favorite local restaurant, workout facility, store to shop in, etc?
“Okay, this is tough. I LOVE Cappriccios in Stamford. I would go there and get a Lorenzo salad and Margherita pizza like four times a week if I could… but the Miss America Swimsuit competition is calling my name. Besides BarMethod in Rye, I go to Freestyle Fitness in Westport. Brittany, my personal trainer, has become more of a life coach to me and I am so grateful. Store wise, I like supporting local businesses. A Step Ahead has always dressed me for the occasion, and I wouldn’t actually be competing in pageants if it weren’t for Danna and Monica.Every once in a while, it’s nice to get treated to a shopping day at The Westchester… but I’m single, so that doesn’t happen that often. LOL”

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