It’s a perfect time for the FITWEEK Spring Cleaning Workout. Plus, it’ll do double duty and help get you ready for wearing that bathing suit this summer.
Follow this plan and you’ll burn nearly 1,000 calories* and get a full body workout targeting your arms, legs and abs. The more elbow grease you use, the more calories you’ll burn!
1. Vacuum the carpet.
2. Change the sheets on the bed.
3. Dust the window sills, the floor boards, and don’t forget those ceiling corners!
4. Scrub the floors on your hands and knees.
5. Put away those winter clothes.
6. Wash your car.
7. Weed your yard. (No yard? Find a friend who does!)
Can’t imagine doing this all in one day? Then tackle one activity each day for a week.
Bonus for dog owners, Fluffy could probably use a bath! Burn an additional 170 calories.
For more tips on how to turn every week into a FITWEEK, visit