Carol Beck is an experienced Hiring Manager who has for worked for both Fortune 500 and Fortune 500 Global firms. She has nearly 20 years of experience in hiring and interviewing. Carol has personally interviewed more than over 15,000 candidates, including college and internship applicants. She is a former litigation attorney and legal recruiter who understands the importance of strong communication skills, advanced preparation and the art of “selling oneself.” Carol offers resume review, interview coaching, mock interview preparatory sessions and job search strategies via FaceTime, Skype as well as by telephone .
How many people have you personally interviewed?
Close to 20,000 people.
Why should I hire a Career and Interview Coach?
When thinking about how to pursue a career and the strategies around it, there are many options out there. A defined strategy and executing on that strategy becomes essential. When creating a resume, we need a more objective eye to help us show ourselves in the best light and the why behind it. Having reviewed over 100,000 resumes , I know how a recruiter or someone in hiring will review a resume in 3- 5 seconds and pinpoint what is ” fluff” and what is essential for the role. Interviewing is an art and it can be a challenging art for many. It is difficult in today’s market to get invited for an interview, but if you do, those 20- 45 minutes spent over the phone or in person must be the most productive as their are no second chances.
Who should hire a Career and Interview Coach?
Those seeking a career, a new job, a job or career changer, someone applying to schools or internships.
What is the ONE thing you tell all your clients?
Well, maybe 2 things: be confident about what you can offer each opportunity and if you get the interview, try to build a personal connection with the interviewer, people hire who they like!
What is your background?
Former Limited Partner and Hiring Manager at Fortune 500 firms. I am also a former litigation attorney.
What do you do?
I provide career coaching, resume review and mock interview coaching to those in high school, college, graduate school , new job seekers and existing job seekers.
Why is this important now?
Getting into colleges and graduates schools is very, very competitive. It is not enough to have good grades. For job seekers, the unemployment rate is less than 5 percent so there are fewer opportunities and the needs are very specific, I want to help my clients get the Advantage as they go through these processes.
Tell us a little about you.
I started my careers as a lawyer wanting to help others. I transitioned to recruiting with the same objective and helped place lawyers all over the world in different roles. I then became a recruiter on the corporate side. I was fortunate to work at Fortune 500 companies and had great success there in but wanted to give back. I have recruited, interviewed and hired many college, graduate students and job seekers in my day, probably over 15,000 people and want to leverage that experience in helping clients stand out as they move through their academic lives and their careers.
What are the challenges for those applying to schools?
It is so competitive out there. Grades are not enough. The question becomes what is your passion? What else have you done: what have you done in school, outside of school, activities, summers to further that passion. How can you communicate that effectively? Interviewing is very old school, no texting!
What are challenges for new job seekers?
Same thing, it is very competitive for jobs and there is low unemployment. Understand your passion and your goals and then set a plan on achieving that goal. Many job seekers are unsure of how to network and communicate their strengths.
What do you do for fun?
Spending time with family and friends and my beloved dog Sammie. Traveling, exploring the arts and exploring NYC. I am looking forward to Spring!
Advantage Career and Interview Coaching