Key Tips to Remember When Lifting Heavy Weights in the Gym




Weight lifting can strengthen bone density, help build muscle mass, test your mental strength as well as reduce your biological age to name a few benefits. But you should be aware not only of the good, it gives but also of the danger it entails. You could come across every case possible that can go wrong, such as a strain or tear of the muscle, injuries to the upper and lower trunk, and many more.

With many different elements like knowledge, precaution, patience, and diligence in working out, you can minimize these fitness problems and maximize the good result of your weight lifting. Keep on reading to have additional knowledge.

Warm-up and Cooldown

Warming up exercise is an essential part of any routine activity. Starting with the perfect kind of warm-up before a workout is needed to help you prepare both physically and mentally. It enables you to improve your flexibility, performance, and prevent you from getting injuries. In case you don’t have enough time. It’s better to shorten your workout, but not your warm-ups.

Take into consideration not only your warm-up but also your cooling down period as well.

Cooling down exercise allows your body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate to return to its average price. And also, stretching your muscles while they are still warm can help reduce lactic acid build-up, reducing your chance of having muscle cramps and stiffness. Just a simple slow jog or walk will do after your weight training.

Use Proper Equipment and Machines

It is essential to use the necessary clothing, wrist wrap, elbow sleeves, and footwear when lifting. Wear comfortable clothes that will not hamper your movements. Similarly, check your equipment periodically. Some of these are kettlebells, dumbbells, training ropes, cable equipment, and free weight equipment (barbells, bars, belt, platforms packs, and weight plates).

Furthermore, there are those safe machines that you can use for your weight training. One example is the machine shoulder press. It’s an overhead press that can build your upper body. There is this neat guide from the UK that will teach you how to lift and be safe at a feature that will be easy for you to use. Proper equipment, machines, and a guide are essential to know that you are not putting your body at risk and getting the gains that you needed.

Get a Good Coach


Coaches are responsible for drafting, assembling, and carrying out a suitable range of sports activities and programs for you. They will teach you applicable skills, tactics, and techniques. So if you don’t have a coach, then you are missing important things in weight lifting, since good coaching will eliminate problems that you’ll encounter.

In case you can not afford to hire one, there is still a way for you. You can join a club that gives hands-on instruction or attend a workshop. And lastly, you can study by yourself the proper weight lifting methods. This will go a long way and keep you healthy at the same time make you avoid injury.

Never Lift When You’re in Pain or Through Pain

In general, there are two kinds of pain in weight lifting. One is the pain you get with an acute or chronic injury. This kind of problem is not pleasant and serves as a warning for you that all is not well. If this kind of pain continues even after you had a medical check-up, it is better to stop your training.

The second kind of pain is yen pain of effort or hyperextension, which has two types.

1. Day-after soreness is the feeling after you overdo things. It is but a dull ache. This is only the breaking down of muscle fibers that can be quickly rebuilt. It’s only due to lactic acid build-up. You’ll become sore every after work out until your body becomes adjusted to your training.

2. The pain of effort- it is a pain for a new trainee who uses muscle that they seldom use. They are unaccustomed to heavy training, which is why they will feel this kind of problem. Some will be shocked that they might want to stop their practice, but if you continue your routine, it will eventually stop, or you will not notice it at all.

Keep Good Posture and Preserve Your Core

First, know what the core is, your heart is right above your belly button at the bottom of your feet. Your body is engaged when all your abdominal muscles are braced together to stabilize the torso. This is very important in weight lifting to know how to engage your core correctly so that you’ll be able to stiffen your torso and support your spine while you bend and twist. Your body will spare your spine from the excessive burden. Your strong core will help you avoid accidents, while good posture will prevent you from pain.

It is essential to warm up before lifting weights, stretching exercises, calisthenics and jogging are the things to warm you up. Also, remember that when you begin lifting, use a small amount of weight at first and then progress gradually to heavier weights. Likewise, it is essential to train at least two to three times a week and have a rest day. And lastly, don’t work out on an empty stomach, eating the right kind of food before exercise will improve your accomplishment. Bear in mind all these things, and you’ll be on your way to a superb body through weight lifting.