EXPERT EXCLUSIVE HACKS: Putting your perfume in the fridge will make it last longer…

Perfume experts offer valuable advice on making your fragrance last in hot weather, ensuring you smell delightful all day long. With the scorching summer days in full swing, it’s essential to prolong your chosen scent for events like weddings, graduations, and proms, boosting your confidence.

One common frustration is investing in expensive perfumes only to have their fragrance fade within an hour. To address this issue, the perfume sample specialists at Parfumery have compiled some top tips to help you get the most out of your fragrances during the summer peak, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful aroma all day.

Keep your fragrances cool by placing them in the fridge. Proper storage is crucial, as various factors like direct sunlight and humidity can alter the scent. The cool temperature of the fridge helps maintain the fragrance’s integrity and can even enhance fresh notes like lemon, mint, and bergamot. If refrigerating your perfumes seems excessive, store them in a cool and dry place such as a drawer or cupboard in a cooler room.

It’s important to assess the condition of your perfume bottles to avoid any potential damage to the surfaces they’re stored on. Check for signs of leakage, and if present, consider rearranging their storage location to prevent accidents.

For a physical method to make your perfume last longer, try applying a small amount of petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) to your skin before spraying the fragrance. The jelly acts as a barrier, helping the scent linger throughout the day, especially when applied to pulse points.

Take advantage of your hair’s ability to hold scent by using specific hair mists and scents that complement your everyday fragrance. Apply these products by flipping your head over and spritzing an even coating throughout your hair’s lengths. Allow a few seconds for it to dry before styling.

To avoid potential damage to your hair, refrain from directly applying perfume. Instead, spray your hairbrush with your perfume and run it through your dry hair, distributing the scent effectively.

Expand your perfume application beyond the usual neck and wrists. While these areas are popular choices, other body parts can hold fragrances better throughout the day. Spritz your belly button, the back of your knees, and elbows, as they tend to sweat less and receive less direct sunlight. Experiment with different areas of the skin that are not exposed to sunlight, as the heat can cause perfumes to evaporate more quickly.

Maximize your scent by layering fragrances during your daily skincare routine. Start with fragranced shower gels and body creams as the base layers, then apply your perfume and other preferred body mists to enhance your scent for the day. If your deodorant contributes to your signature smell, layer it by using a roll-on followed by an aerosol.

For special events like weddings or proms, be prepared by carrying a mini-sized perfume or spray in your bag to freshen up throughout the evening.

To maintain your fragrance throughout the day, consider using matching body lotions or creams in the same scent as your perfume. Many fragrance lines offer these complementary products, which can be a cost-effective way to extend the aroma. By applying the perfume in the morning and carrying a hand cream or lotion in the same scent, you can reinvigorate the fragrance without needing to reapply it, ultimately saving the perfume itself. Additionally, these lotions and extras are typically less expensive than the perfumes, allowing you to replenish your fragrance collection economically.