Drinks You Should Drink In Moderation To Avoid Dehydration


Drinking should help relieve thirst. But, some beverages might make you thirstier than before. It may sound counter-intuitive, but certain drinks have compounds or ingredients that may make you feel parched. Continue reading the rest of this article to know the beverages you should drink in moderation to avoid dehydration.


The most active ingredient in coffee is caffeine, and it’s this substance that can cause dehydration.

Coffee dehydration may not happen after drinking one or two cups. But, the likelihood of your body seeking more water happens when you exceed that amount.

Moreover, it can be challenging for some people to resist the temptation of getting their daily caffeine fix. It’s because caffeine is one of the most consumed substances in the world that can cause a “feel good” response. Simply put, the compounds in this particular beverage help boost your mood, as well as your physical and mental performance.

In summary, the effects of drinking coffee can become addicting. In particular, the caffeine content in coffee may promote a diuretic effect on the kidneys. This scenario results in this organ excreting more water than average through urination, causing dehydration.

If you think you “need” your daily dose of coffee, but don’t want to become dehydrated, consider drinking decaffeinated coffee instead. Decaffeinated coffee, or decaf for short, tends to come from beans with over 90% of their caffeine content removed. Although it may sound deceiving, at least, the adverse effects of drinking more than two cups of coffee won’t be too severe.


Many people love their alcoholic beverages. Perhaps, you might be fond of drinking beer or, maybe, you fancy a daily glass of wine.

Like caffeine, alcohol may activate the pleasure centers in the brain, causing you to drink more. Hence, several individuals would like to “drink to forget” since binging on alcoholic beverages may cause the brain to produce additional dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, allowing the body to maintain balance during specific tasks, like learning or remaining motivated. But, too much or too little of this substance may lead to several health concerns, such as Parkinson’s disease.

Even if you don’t contract Parkinson’s disease from binging on alcoholic drinks, your body is still at a high risk of dehydration. It’s because alcohol also acts as a diuretic, much like caffeine.

For reference, 12 ounces of beer or five ounces of wine should contain approximately 14 grams of alcohol. Moreover, consuming 10 grams of alcohol might be enough to produce about 3.38 fluid ounces of urine.

In other words, drinking a glass of beer or wine might make your body produce about half-a-cup’s worth of urine. Now, you might think that the amount isn’t so bad. However, considering alcohol’s nature to bring consumers to an addicted state, drinking alcoholic beverages will put the body at risk of dehydration, along with other serious illnesses.

Remember, drinking in moderation is critical to staying healthy. If you want to “drink to forget”, consider doing other activities instead, such as working out or meditation.


Sugary Beverages

Sweetened waters, energy drinks, and the conventional sodas – these examples are few of the many sugar-rich beverages you can find on the market. Unlike alcohol or coffee, drinking sugary drinks is relatively accessible to all age groups.

Sugar joins the fray as yet another substance that can activate the pleasure centers in the brain. Therefore, it seems like you can’t get enough of consuming sugar-rich foods and beverages.

Although it’s challenging to eliminate sugar in your daily diet, consuming massive quantities of the substance may lead to sugar osmosis. Failure to reduce the amount of sugar consumed daily can lead to dehydration, along with a high risk of contracting other health complications, like diabetes.

But, what is sugar osmosis?

Note that water in the body should always remain at equal concentrations in different areas of the body. In turn, it’ll naturally flow throughout your system, allowing you to stay hydrated. Conversely, consuming mass quantities of sugar will throw that balance out of order. If this happens, water flow in the body may become distorted, causing dehydration.

The following are some ways to help you cut back if you think you’re drinking too many sugary beverages:

  • Cut back slowly. Abruptly eliminating sugar from your daily diet might cause addiction relapses. Instead, consider mixing drinks with natural sweeteners to fool your body into thinking it’s still consuming sugar.
  • Drink water. If you think you’re craving sugary beverages, reach for a glass of water instead. Water can help release those cravings since your body rehydrates.
  • Opt for a smoothie. Blend frozen fruits and vegetables with milk, water, or low-fat yogurt. This healthy combination of ingredients can taste sweet, allowing you to stay away from sugar-rich drinks.

Protein Shakes

Protein is an essential macronutrient to help the muscles grow and maintain lean mass. Hence, many fitness enthusiasts supplement their workout routines by drinking protein shakes. But, consuming too much protein, particularly from shakes and other beverages, may lead to dehydration. It’s because digesting protein will make the kidneys work. This process should help you maintain optimum health because urination can help excrete wastes from the body.

Again, too much of a good thing can be harmful, especially when consuming protein shakes. These drinks tend to contain high amounts of this macronutrient. Consuming more of the substance than necessary may put your kidneys into overdrive.

The organs become stressed, and you might feel the urge to urinate often. In turn, drinking mass quantities of protein shake may lead to dehydration. Failure to see the harm in drinking large amounts of protein over extended periods may also lead to kidney disease.

Always read the label in protein shakes to know the advisable amount to consume per day. Also, don’t forget to consult your doctor or nutritionist to know how you can get a healthy daily fix of this macronutrient.

Key Takeaway

Some drinks can cause dehydration. Consider consuming beverages like coffee, beer, soda, and protein shakes in moderation. Otherwise, you’re going to put your body at risk of excreting more water than necessary. Also, consult your doctor if you think you’re contracting serious side effects from dehydration.