Calling All Artists! The Daniel & Trudy Regan Foundation Is Looking for Additional Artists to Participate in the Second Artist Costume Ball

Calling All Artists!

The Daniel & Trudy Regan Foundation Is Looking for Additional Artists to Participate in the Second Artist Costume Ball

  For the second year, the Daniel & Trudy Regan Foundation will host the “Artist Costume Ball” at their grounds in New City, NY on Saturday, September 28th. Rain date will be, Saturday, October 5th.  

The concept for the event grew out of a desire to assist artists in showcasing their talents after the pandemic during which time the artists felt isolated and much of their work had simply disappeared. Last year’s event attracted over 800 people and showcased the art of 80 artists who painted and adorned 150 mannequins.

Three years ago, Dan Regan purchased the mannequins from Modell’s and Lord & Taylor to be used by the artists to showcase their talents. “I was inspired by the painted cows that began popping up around cities and thought why not mannequins from bankrupt stores? What a perfect canvas for artists and a great way to give new life to these otherwise discarded displays,” stated Regan.

This year artists will also receive a 48 x 60 canvas to paint for a separate mural contest. The Foundation will distribute these canvases for the artists to paint their murals free of charge. There will be a parade of murals and prizes will be presented.

The Foundation is looking to increase the number of artists who participate this year to 150. All artists will be required to decorate a mannequin in a style similar to their own costume with either clothing or paint. Both the artist and mannequin must complement each other. There will be an artist costume parade around the swimming pool with judges selecting the Best Costume along with several other categories. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.


Artists who want to participate should call Esmerelda at 646-499-1832. The deadline to respond is August 1st

Artists are welcome to participate and decorate and adorn the mannequins in any way they see fit. In previous years artists have used paint, metals, tiles, stained glass, LED lights and more. None of the artwork will be sold at the event. Instead, the show is meant to showcase the varied talents of the participating artists to the hundreds who are expected to attend.

The Regans created their charitable foundation in 1990 and have worked with artists and organizations around the world. Trudy Regan was a collage artist and a partner in Living Art Seminars where they lectured 47 different programs on art and took children to museums to experience art firsthand. “The show is a wonderful way to celebrate art and Trudy’s contribution to the art world over her lifetime,” stated Dan Regan.

In addition to the artist exhibition, there will be dance performances by Emotions Physical Theatre from Suffern, NY, presenting an immersive dance and theatre piece centered around human nature. The media from the NY Metro area will be invited to attend and it is anticipated that the show will attract another large crowd this year. There will also be rock, country and Western music by a local band led by Jeremy Regan.