Recovery Strategies Every Kickboxer Should Know About

There is no doubt that kickboxing can leave you with some sore muscles. Whether you are simply practicing or competing, part of San Diego kickboxing training involves taking a few jabs. That is why you need to take time to recover by allowing your body to rest. Recovery days are just as important as training. Kickboxing can lead to minor muscle tissue tears and these resting days allow them to heal and help you develop stronger muscles. Take a look at these recovery tips every fighter needs to know about.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Healthy nutrition is very important when it comes to recovery. That is why people recovering from sickness are advised to eat healthy meals, because food helps the body recover quickly. Ensure your plate has whole foods like vegetables, whole grains, fish, and meat. Even if you are craving junk food, it is wise to eat foods that can help the body recover quickly. Also, keep in mind that the more you fight, the more you are depleting your glycogens. As such, ensure your diet has simple carbs. They will help replenish your energies and help the body recover faster. Lastly, do not forget to give your body loads of proteins. Those micro-tears around the body can be rebuilt with proteins.

Get Enough Sleep

This cuts across all sports. Sleep is an effective recovery strategy. When you are sleeping, the body releases some hormones that slow down your breathing and allow major muscles to relax. This process helps reduce inflammation, hence, aiding the healing process. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily. If your schedule does not allow for all those hours, try to include power naps in your day to ensure you get enough rest every day.

Stay Hydrated

Your trainers have probably taught you the importance of remaining hydrated before and after training. But are you also aware that water can help with recovery? During this period, ensure your body is getting enough water as it helps with different body processes like digestion and excretion of waste. Being dehydrated can slow the recovery process. So, keep your bottle of water close.

Do Recovery Workouts

A rest day does not mean lounging on the couch all day. While that is okay, you can do some recovery workouts such as walking, yoga, or foam rolling. These exercises are particularly important if your body is achy. These little activities can loosen the muscles and make you feel a bit better.

Try Cold Water Therapy

Fill the tub with cold water (15˚C) and immerse yourself inside once you are done with exercise. Cold water therapy is believed to aid in the recovery process by preventing delayed onset of muscle soreness. Another reason athletes do this is that they believe it prevents oedemas, reduces fatigue after high-intensity activities, increases range of motion, and reduces muscle inflammation. While getting inside such cold water may not feel good at first, you get used to it after a few seconds.

These five recovery strategies will help the body recover faster, allowing you to go back to the ring soon. In case you have suffered a serious injury, see a doctor to protect your health.