5 Warning Signs of a Weakened Immune System

Our immune system is a complex mechanism that plays a vital role in the preservation of our health. It makes sure that we’re protected from diseases, it fends off infections, and it safeguards our bodies from parasites. However, like most mechanisms, if it needs to work excessively, it tends to weaken and start under performing. There are many risk factors that may compromise a functioning immune system, making us susceptible to a range of viruses and diseases. Let’s take a look at some of the most common signs of a weakened immune system.

Cold hands

Often a result of a decreased blood flow, cold hands are an indicator of a weakened immune system. If you notice that your hands are persistently cold, and they sometimes change color (they turn blue or white) even when you’re not in a cold environment, that’s a sign that you should visit a doctor. Cold extremities may be signaling some other, more serious health problems you’re not aware of, such as rheumatoid arthritis, an under active thyroid, or peripheral artery disease. However, they can also mean that your blood vessels are overly constricted, which is something that’s characteristic for a generally benign condition called Raynaud’s disease.

Digestive issues

Disorders with digestive (gastrointestinal) tract are common problems that affect many people, and the sedentary lifestyle accompanied by an unhealthy diet is the one to blame. Constipation, bloating, heartburn, and diarrhea are symptoms of a weak immune system that can all be treated naturally. Getting plenty of fiber, limiting the intake of processed, nutrient-poor foods, and implementing moderate exercise can help improve your digestion in a natural way. However, many gastrointestinal issues have similar symptoms, so it may be hard to recognize them. It’d be best to talk to your doctor to determine whether there is a need for you to take medications or undergo surgery.

Repeated infections

Repeated infections are a clear sign that there is something wrong with our immune system. If you find yourself taking antibiotics more than twice a year, it’s a red flag and it means that your immune system isn’t strong enough to fight all the germs on its own. Probably the most contagious and easily spread infection, herpes, which is caused by HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type 1), is a virus that many people are exposed to and can be easily transmitted through direct contact. It often causes nauseating cold sores, but luckily, you can get a cold sore cream to speed up the healing process and get rid of the infection.

Sudden weight changes

If you notice that your weight has somehow changed without you changing your activity levels or making any dietary changes, that could be a sign of an autoimmune disease. While gradual weight gain either from old age or inactivity is considered normal, suddenly gaining weight or seeing the numbers on the scale inexplicably drop could be signs of serious health issues. Hypothyroidism, fluid retention caused by kidney disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome are some of the medical reasons that could be used to account for the sudden weight loss or weight gain, and in order to successfully rule out certain medical conditions, talking to your physician is recommended.


Feeling tired all the time isn’t something that should be taken lightly as it could involve a number of underlying health issues. Although stress and lack of sleep are some of the usual causes of this condition, more often than not, fatigue is a sign of an immune system that is weak. If you feel like you constantly lack energy, it means that your body’s defense needs to be improved, so consider making an appointment with your doctor. In case of more extreme symptoms such as severe headaches, irregular heartbeat, and shortness of breath, go to the hospital immediately as there might be a serious medical condition that causes fatigue.


Knowing what causes a weak immune system and what signs to look for ensures you tackle any health issue you may have and maintain a healthy lifestyle. By eating healthily, exercising, and reducing stress, you can rest assured that your immune system is working just the way it should.