Share what’s on your mind . . . #Honestli There is an App for That




Every one of us have parts of our lives that we wouldn’t precisely air openly,  whether  on online or anywhere.    But sometimes we want to hear someone elses opinion or just want confirmation, be it right or wrong. I know there have been a lot of times when I would need to vent about something or ask individuals’ recommendation on a subject however wouldn’t feel good asking perfect strangers , or sometimes, even my BFF.

Be it politics, relationships, major life decisions , or what to wear out to dinner. Sometimes you just want to talk to someone who doesn’t know you, who won’t judge you and who will give you advice.

Having a website called “Stacyknows” people trust my opinion and tell me things all the time.  But, if I had a dollar for everytime , someone started there question with “Don’t tell anyone but I was wondering what you thought about ….”  I would be very rich.  For those moments the Honestli App would come in handy.

I recently downloaded it and it is extremely easy to use – the feed appears like Instagram and you basically have individuals imparting unacknowledged uncensored insights on life, love, work, politics,sports anything else you feel like confessing about. Obviously, with restraints are tossed to the wind , you never know what you are going to see.


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Honestli is unique because of their community! They are not just another high school playground for bullying and raunchy comments! Honestli members use the site to share Honest, often humorous, opinions and expressions about real life and the World around us. They have chosen Honestli because members empower each other to create their own experience:

honestli app screen shot

As an added incentive, if you download the app and leave a comment with your experience on this blog post, you will be entered to win a $50 gift card to iTunes or Google Play. I really do think this is a great way for us to express ourselves honestly and hopefully help some people with offering helpful advice to guide them along their journey. We all have unique experiences and outlooks on life, and this is our chance to share them with the world.

Download it for Android here.

Download for Apple here.



This blog post has been sponsored by Honestli