Not Eating Well? How Many Days Does Bloating Last?
Feeling bloated? Are you not eating well? How many days does bloating last and how can you get rid of it? These are questions we will attempt to answer in this article.
First Things First
Before we delve into how you can get rid of the belly bloat, first let us see what causes it. Constantly racing against time, our stress is maxed, and with an increasing need for various medications as well as exposure to pollutants and binge eating, it’s no wonder that stomach bloating has risen to the proportions of an epidemic. According to, 15–30% of the general US population experience bloating symptoms. That’s why this problem started to be one of the top biology research topics. Not only is it embarrassing and uncomfortable, as more often than not it comes along with gas and the need to run to the bathroom, but it may also signal more serious conditions. Stomach bloating is one of the most common symptoms of candida (yeast) infection and often accounts for other problems such as digestive disorder, allergy, autoimmune reaction, or even cancer (in case of frequent and long-lasting stomach bloat).
Bloating or built-up gas in your digestive tract makes your tummy balloon up. While for some people it may be a reason to joke that they ‘look pregnant’, without having any serious health implications, bloating may occur in conjunction with other symptoms apart from just feeling full and gassy. These include fever, hives or skin rashes, watery eyes, itchy throat or other signs of an allergic reaction, diarrhea or constipation, nausea or vomiting, urinating or defecating with blood, uncontrolled weight loss, trouble going to the bathroom, pain around the lymph nodes, including your groin, throat and/or armpits, fatigue, brain fog and trouble concentrating, hemorrhoids, irregular periods. If you experience any of these symptoms along with bloating, perhaps it’s time you paid a visit to your doctor to establish what is the real, clinical cause of your belly bloat.
However, for those of you who experience bloating every now and then, Lumitea website provides some useful tips and tricks on how to get rid of the bloat for good.
How to Get Rid of the Bloat
If you experience bloating only infrequently, a few lifestyle changes will help. Here’s the deal.
Avoid Gassy Foods
Certain foods cause gas buildup in the intestinal tract, which causes bloating. To avoid the unpleasant feeling of your stomach protruding out uncomfortably, stay away from Brussels sprouts, cabbage, beans, peas, turnips, and lentils. Other culprits include chewing gum and carbonated drinks, which can also contribute to the formation of excess gas in your gut. Additionally, sparkling beverages contain sorbitol and fructose, both of which contribute to belly bloat.
Identify Food Intolerances
Bloating is often a common reaction of intolerance to certain foods. Lactose intolerance, for example, causes bloating. If you experience bloating after eating dairy products, try to say ‘no’ to yogurt, kefir, or even milk. This means that you do not have the enzyme that breaks down lactose in the stomach.
Another common food intolerance is to gluten, a protein found in numerous bread and bakery products. If you tend to ‘inflate’ immediately after eating gluten-rich foods, opt for gluten-free versions of your favorite bakery products.
Stress Less
Stress and anxiety are responsible for a series of inflammatory reactions in your system, which can result in bloating. When you’re under pressure, you tend to breathe in quickly, taking short breaths, which causes excess air to get into your stomach. Anxiety has a similar effect, leading to bloating. Try to perform activities that you take a liking to and relax you whenever you experience bloating and associated symptoms.
Consider Over-the-Counter Medications
Certain over-the-counter medications are available to relieve bloating and gas. The main compound in many of them is simethicone. The main property of this chemical is to break down gas in your stomach. Some of you may be familiar with Beano. This product contains an enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates. If your symptoms persist, seek medical advice. Certain medical conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease cause stomach bloating.
Pile on Coriander
Coriander, also known as cilantro is rich in linalool and geranyl acetate, which are as effective as over-the-counter meds, relaxing digestive muscles and soothing the gut. According to a study published in the Digestive Diseases and Science journal, symptoms in patients suffering from IBS who added coriander to their diet regularly became milder and their overall health improved compared to those who only took a placebo.
Eat Dark Chocolate
Who doesn’t love chocolate? Probably you do too. However, the secret of this delicious anti-bloat treatment is that in order to work, chocolate has to have a concentration of at least 70 percent cacao, researchers of the American Chemical Society suggest. According to more recent research, the chocolate-loving bacteria in the gut convert the candy into anti-inflammatory compounds and reduce belly bloat.
Don’t Use Straws
As trendy and fancy as it is, sipping your drink through a straw is just as unhealthy. Just like sucking in air with your food when you’re too hungry or downing food in a rush without chewing properly, sipping through the straw causes you to swallow air with your drink. And… you know the rest, the extra air in your gut causes gas buildup and bloating.
Cut Back on Coffee
Flavorful and energizing as it may be, giving you the ‘pick-me-up’ that you need to kick-start your day, it is a no-go if you suffer from bloating and improper digestion. Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition says that fluids, and specifically water, are essential for good digestion. Beverages high in caffeine and sugar only cause dehydration and increase calorie intake, Smith suggests. To avoid that, she strongly recommends drinking plenty of water and reducing caffeine intake to a minimum if not quitting it completely. Green tea is a healthier option for a morning wake-up drink. Packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants as well as a small amount of caffeine, it will give you the same energy boost as coffee.
Give Up Fatty Foods
Fatty foods are one of the main culprits of gastrointestinal disorders, including bloating. While some fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are good for your health and even recommended for proper digestion (especially omega-3s found in nuts and fish), they do not interact with your body in the same way. Fast food and processed foods often contain a high amount of salt and unhealthy fats like saturated and trans-fatty acids, which cause an inflammatory response in the body (bloating), meaning that your body wants it out. Additionally, the extra salt causes water retention. If you use packaged or processed foods, look for low-sodium versions.
Now, put these tips and tricks into practice and stay healthy!