Mistakes To Avoid When Moving With Children

Two adults and a toddler in a room full of cardboard boxes. One adult is unpacking while the other talks to the toddler.

Many families struggle with moving. There are so many things to consider, and if you have young children, the move may seem new and scary to them. On top of everything else, you want to take their needs and feelings into consideration.

Many people make the wrong decisions about handling the moving process with their kids, making things even more complex, hectic, and unpleasant. Knowing what mistakes to avoid when moving with children makes it a better experience for everyone. The smoother you can make your move, the happier everyone will be throughout the process, helping you stay in a good mental state.

Springing the News on Them

One of the worst things you can do with kids is drop a sudden surprise on them. The longer you wait to tell them about your move, the less time they have to process the news. This can lead to anxiety and distrust.

It’s a good idea to sit down with your children and let them know what’s happening with plenty of time to spare. Keeping them in the loop on the time frame makes it easier for everybody to work toward the move without rushing.

Not Explaining the Situation

If you’re looking for a stress-free moving experience, let your kids know why this is all happening. Aside from making sure you explain it with plenty of time, give as much information as you can to make the process easier for them.

Whether you’re moving because someone in your household got a new job or you just found a nicer, more affordable place, kids appreciate if you explain the reason. Unfortunately, some children may feel uprooted from their friends or routines, so it might take time for them to adjust. While they may not understand your reasons right away, it’s always in your best interest to tell them why you’re moving.

Hiding Your Destination

A big part of moving with young children is that you don’t want to drop any surprises on them. Try to be upfront about where you’re going and maybe even explain why this can be a good thing for them. Whenever possible, take them to see the place that you’re moving to, or at least show them some photos of your new home online to try and paint a positive picture.

Having an early look at things is a great way to settle into a new home more easily. Try to avoid leaving lingering anxieties about where you’re going and what the house is going to be like. A little information goes a long way.

Ignoring Their Concerns

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid when moving with children is ignoring their concerns. It’s easy to want to shrug off these worries as things that kids will just get over. If your child worries about missing their friends, reassure them that they can stay in touch.

The more you listen, the easier you can make things for them, and that can help the process go more smoothly for you too. Be upfront and honest with your kids, and you can assuage most of their fears from the very start.