Stacy Geisinger’s witty brand of Bedford-based blog-speak cheats followers out of actually hearing her “Bayside-Big Apple sound” in person. Geisinger was early to the blog scene, with, and built her own brand by remaining true to herself and her interests—and now she claims to have “the second largest Twitter following in Bedford after Martha Stewart.”
How did you first come to Bedford?
We used to to to Nino’s twice a week. One night on our way to the restaurant, there was a fire at St. Patrick’s School and we got detoured and were struck by the beauty of the dirt roads. The next week we got engaged and began looking for a house.
How did your blog come about?
As the “go to girl” and organizer in my group of girlfriends, I was always hanging out on the Internet, playing games, and shopping. One day a friend asked if I knew where she could get a pair of shoes before 10 a.m. and my friend Gayle chanted, “Stacy knows.” I immediately went home and saved
What makes a good blog?
A good blog builds reputation over time. I started off writing my own articles about anything and everything in Bedford. Blogs give advertisers repeat exposure and they get more for their money. We don’t always check our mailbox at the end of the driveway every day, but we do check our online mail over and over.
Where have you been featured?
I have been on Dr. Oz and “Today.” CBS’s Hazel Sanchez interviewed me about the hot book Fifty Shades of Grey. The Times Magazine did a piece.
Are you making money?
I have been monetizing Stacyknows through advertisers, plus a little affiliate marketing. I couldn’t pay all my bills on what the blog generates, but I call it “an allowance.”
What is a perk of a popular blog?
The next new social media tool is Pinterest. I was pinning a set of orange bangles under a heading “jewelry I would wear.” Days later the bangles showed up at my house with a note, “Wouldn’t it be great if everything you pinned showed up at your door?” They were made by local designer Amy Fine. Sending them was her “thank you.”
Talk about friends.
I met so many of my friends through my son’s school days at Bedford Village Elementary. But I have made so many through my blog.
Do you consider yourself a girly girl?
I am totally a girly girl. I love shopping and cosmetics and hanging out with my friends.
Where is your favorite place to eat?
I get paid to eat and not to eat. Everyone wants me to try their diet program and their restaurants. I love breakfast at the Bedford Post. We frequent Primavera, Kittle House, Village Social, and Nino’s.
Now that you have an empty nest, don’t you have more time for “romance” with your husband, or does the blog cut in?
I seem to know more about making passionate love now that I have a blog, not necessarily because I have an empty nest. Next question?
Neiman Marcus Westchester & Stacy Geisinger Host VIP Fashion Show with David Meister
The Nightfly couldn’t resist dishing on a VIP Fashion show hosted by blogger Stacy Geisinger of Stacyknows on March 23 at Neiman Marcus Westchester. Geisinger and David Meister hosted a VIP brunch reception and fashion presentation featuring David Meisters Spring 2012 Collection. Sixty five of Stacy’s friends (including the Nightfly—who, full disclosure, is helping Geisinger build her brand) attended the event. The highlight of the show? When Geisinger asked David Meister what dress was best to wear on a “sexy” date night. Three women purchased the orange dress (see photo below) Meister suggested!
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